[MX] LoadMovie Preloader

Hey all,
I posted this earlier yet it seems to have gone somewhere!!!

I have a main movie which a number of other swf will load into.
These are the actions on each of my menu buttons:

on (release) {

where “contents” is the mc being replaced in the main movie.

The actions on the “controller” clip in the preloader scene (first scene) of each smaller swf are:

onClipEvent (load) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (p==100) {

I think the problem lies in the last line of the controller clips code.
Where do I need to tell the movie to go once it is fully loaded.
The pre-loader works OK when I test the movie by itself, but not when I try to load it into the main movie.
Please help . . . . . . . . ;(

My guess would be to change that last line into:


instead of using _root which refers to the root of the movie once you load it into the contents mc.

Thanks for the help, but I actually messed around and used “_parent” and it works brilliantly.
Thanks anyway :slight_smile:

Cheers. :slight_smile: