I’m about as new to flash MX as you can get but, I have the basic understanding. Right now, I’ve figured out how to write an action script that will allow me to change text with a button. However, I would like to be able to do it by a combo box. In other words, I would like to make it so that when you change the combo box to a different label, the text field will change to a different outside text file.
Any help or links to tutorials would be appreciated.
Select your button, convert it to a movieclip symbol so you’ll have a button inside a movieclip.
Inside the new movieclip, make a new keyframe (lets say on frame 5), and on that keyframe, replace the button you had earlier with the 2nd button, and change the actions accordingly.
Make it so everytime you press one of the buttons, it will gotoAndStop to the other keyframe, where the 2nd button is. For example:
BUTTON 1 on keyframe 1:
on (press) {
<<insert your actionscript here>>
BUTTON 2 on keyframe 2:
on (press) {
<<insert your other actionscript here>>
Of course, don’t forget to put a Stop; action on the first frame.