I’m attempting to create a clickable source from a movie clip
so that when the user clicks on the movie clip another movie clip (specifically ‘profilecover.swf’) loads in a separate area of the screen. I’ve used the following code… can someone let me know what factors should be changed so I can do the above…
________________ code:
onClipEvent (load) {
var l=pcover.getBytesLoaded();
var t=pcover.getBytesTotal();
if (l > 0 && l >=t){
ahhhhhh… none of this stuff is working!! let me try to explain because I must be leaving something out.
I have a movie clip - lets call it mc1 - (it can’t be a button because of it’s nature) that loads upon entering the keyframe.
Now I want mc1 to load ANOTHER movie clip - lets say mc2 - farther down the screen when someone clicks on mc1.
The PROBLEM arises because the mc1 loads on a blank keyframe which i therefore can’t change into a symbol and mc2 can’t contain the button properties because they need to click on the mc1 to make it work.
Am I just not understanding the above help or did i not properly explain myself originally? PLease PleAse help me out guys…i am at a total lost with this.
so since mc1 cant have an instance name because it has to load on a blank keyframe…what do i do then…i am really really sorry that i am making this hard. I’ve also tried to create a button underneath the externally loaded mc1 but even when i increase the layer # on the button it stays underneath mc1… am i making any sense at all? I think this might just all sound like babble.
so since mc1 cant have an instance name because it has to load on a blank keyframe
the instance name will remain in every single frame of the whole movie
ok …
you have a movie … in x frame of the movie you load another movie containing mc1 ?? then you load another movie when mc1 is pressed ?? [size=1]:: confused ::[/size]
…i need this (which is an external mc) to be clickable and able to load mc2 which has about 6 or 7 of it’s own layers when you open it up as a separate file to edit.
And thanks a lot for all your patience and help Kax. I’ll owe you big for this one!
which works!! Oh YEA!! That’s what we like to see. Now as the final touch (if possible) can I change the cursor look to an arrow or something so ppl can easily tell they are suppose to click on the wording??
P.s. Kax … you are amazing and you can’t believe how grateful i am for all of your help!!