[mx04]Continuously scrolling buttons -- Not continuous


I have a set of MC’s which I have made clickable and I want to have them scroll continuously across the stage.

I have worked it out so that the buttons will scroll across the screen once but then there is a long gap before this starts over again. I need this to be an unbroken loop.

I also have another problem which has to do with dynamically loading this scroller into a level, at specific coordinates. I can get both the nav bar and the scroller to show up stacked the right way, but I can’t seem to get the nav bar to be at the correct _x & _y.

Thanks in advance for any help. I have been searching very hard, but can’t seem to find a tutorial or post that covers what I need. Not super savy with the whole programming thing still, so I need some hand holding. :+)

***File: http://www.soundtekstudios.com/pat/topBanner.zip *** 127.5 KB