My attempt at line art in flash :S (Goku - DBZ)

Having seen so much of kitiara’s line art and being very impressed:) i decided to follow her tutorial and see if i could come up with nething decent lol. Well this is my first attempt, it is a picture of goku out of dbz. Just wanted to see what you all thought, i know it don’t compare to kitiaras lol. Thanks to her by the way for the excellent tutorial :smiley:

Awww :frowning: no one got and opinions on it :trout:

That is very awesome. Did you draw the original image yourself or was it an image from somewhere else?

:A+: Good Job.

Hehe i’m afraid its an image off the tv program. As it was my first attempt i don’t feel confident enougth to create my own yet lol

Line art is line art :wink:

But you should try doing it on a self drawn image. The above is great, so I am sure your own drawings will be great as well :slight_smile:

Yeha man Looks good… :slight_smile:

Pretty good :slight_smile: I used to be a big fan of DB.

All right, I AM a big fan of DB!! :crazy:

Not bad for an attempt at line art in flash, I like it. =)

*Originally posted by ilyaslamasse *
**All right, I AM a big fan of DB!! :crazy: **

ME TOO!!! See Ilyas… perfect for eachother :stuck_out_tongue: :crazy:

yeah dude that looks great! let me know when GT starts…:stuck_out_tongue:

i’ve seen GT, IMO it blows until Goku goes SSJ4 and fights the dragons…

hey Lunar, nice first attempt, the background is a bit funky but overall its really good for a first try! just practice practice practicem, i’m sure Kit would tell you the same thing =)

I would and I will. :slight_smile:

If this is seriously your first attempt then you should be very proud of yourself. It’s very well drawn, and it’s come out great. Very bright and dynamic. Simple too, and that really works for a cartoon character such as Goku.

I started out by doing similar things, like characters from computer games, so it’s a good place to begin.

Well done. :slight_smile:

Thanks for all your kind comments :D.

Now a question for kit…

Do you just use flash for your drawings or any other art programs?

And have you got any tips into creating your own original pieces, i’m afraid my hand drawn skills are very poor lol. I think probably shading is the hardest thing to try and get your head round :S

Yeah, I use Flash for basically everything. I’ve found that since it’s vector based, it’s so much better for line art than Photoshop. I’m trying to learn Illustrator though, as that can do the same job, probably better.

I started with Flash though, and I guess I’ll always go back to that eventually. :slight_smile:

Once I’ve drawn stuff I can generally bring it into Photoshop and add a few effects if I wanted to, like lens flare off metal (see the cyborg battle robot entry thing), but I don’t usually bother.

It’s backgrounds that are the killer for me though. Can never seem to get the hang of them. :smirk:

As far as original pieces go, I guess the best thing I can say is the same as Edwin - practice. I’m not the greatest artist but if I can get some rough scribbles down on paper before scanning into Flash, then I can tweak once I’m in the line art. As long as I have a vague outline there then that helps. That or find a friend who can draw well. :slight_smile:

Keep workin on it I made a nice image ing 3dsmax and I thought is stunk.

i like it…

it’s good first attempt…

and i also agree with kit…

it is so much easier to draw direct in flash…

because i use the prog on a daily basis it is easier to do things with it…

becomes 2nd nature after a while…

sometimes i use freehand and import into flash from there…

this is bcoz there are some things that flash won’t let you do…

our original concepts for sites are always done in freehand though, then imported into flash…

this is purely for printing purposes during a presentation to a client…

it also makes it easier to import into flash once things have been approved…

keep it up…

and we look 4ward to seeing more from you…