My Entry

Here is my entry, but this is probably just a rough draft and will be changed later. As you can see, it’s not too good yet :crying: Any suggestions?
View it HERE
----I changed a lot of aspects, hopefully it’s better than before!

probably better than anything i can do. lol.

Uhhh…if you got some time, put a pre-loader in it…I waited forever, and realized that it didn’t play automatically (using Firefox 0.9).

Hmm I tried it in firefox .9 and it worked fine…it should play automatically. I don’t know what the problem is…it’s only 127 KB. But maybe I should put the preloader in anyways.

million not millon

fixed :slight_smile:

The pictures need to look better, like the quality, and try to use a ligther blue, and make the border a straight line.

I agree about the pictures, but I kind of like the scraggly border :smiley:

Iono, that border threw me off.

OK, I fixed some things and changed a whole part. I also added sound effects and more music, but I don’t know if I should change the border or not…what does someone else think?