My first completed experiment!

I don’t know what you’re talking about! :stuck_out_tongue:


can you make a dragging effect similar to the one on bit-101’s Sept. 12, 2002 expriment? :slight_smile:

well, I’m sure it would be possible, but could you imagine 2500 pixels all having their own onEnterFrame command? Processors would die.

I wanted to do an explosion type thing, but Lost pointed out to me the drastic consequences of such a thing. His computer would jump out the window…

lol :stuck_out_tongue: true… great experiment nonetheless :slight_smile:

thanks, I enjoyed making it. Maybe i’ll be able to find a way to get something cool like that to work… :slight_smile:

nice job jubba


Hmmm, wonder how well it would cope with a larger line art piece maybe? :slight_smile: Or are we in exploding computer territory there? :stuck_out_tongue:

i’m sure it could handle it, but it would take longer for Flash to display it. :slight_smile:

Very nice! It ran smooth on the 550MHz machine on my desk at work. =)


<i>Originally suggested by Jubba:</i>
Syko: Actuallly, you could just set its _visible to 0 when you click on it. Much easier

… like I said… Jubba always knows the easiest way!

Very cool experiment!

did anyone here ever use MING library? you can create an swf with probably the very same effect, but it would all be programmed with php from scratch…

I wanted to try it but it needed some server config, so i didn’t bother :nerd:

hmmmm MING is enabled on my server… I’ll have to look into that…

if it works I can let you have some space on my server to test it out. :slight_smile:

HOLY CRAP! It works on my server!

that Flash file was create completely with PHP! w00t!

its not my code, I got it from the manual but dam thats awesome!

that IS awesome…

thanks a lot, i will let you know whenever i come up with something :wink:

seems like something new for you to master :stuck_out_tongue:

well if you want I can create a place for you to upload your own files to my server… that way you wouldn’t need me to upload stuff for you or whatever… let me know. :slight_smile:

jub, that link crashed my IE :-\

really?! huh… thats weird… works fine for me in IE, avant, and net.

Since its a php thing, the browser shouldn’t affect it. I wonder why it did that…

just tried it again, same thing. it might be on my end.

worked fine on my side :slight_smile:

currently im working on a few projects that are taking up most of my time, but in a month or so, i might start experimenting with MING, i will you let you know then =)