awesome. I’ll be here!
it was probably my .NET installation. dammit microsoft, can’t you get anything right?
no, I don’t think so…
*Originally posted by Jubba *
**no, I don’t think so…**
lol :beam:
experiment doesn’t work?
the pixels in the white background are not visible when they are dragged onto the this a feature of the experiment or am i experiencing an anamoly?
that is incredible DUDE!!! Good job!! I hope be as good as you guys 1 day!
yeah jubba. your PHP to Flash integration never ceases to amaze me!
wow, Im a little late on seeing this! Very cool good work!
This really doesnt apply so much here, because you’re adding points pixel by pixel, but you can increase performance in adding a lot of attached clips if you add them in groups within empty movieclips since Flash starts chugging in the more clips you add in any one scope. For example, if with every column you added those pixels in their own movieclip you could spit later clips out faster.
Heres something I did a while ago showing that - this adds pixels row by row. One adds them all in the main timeline, and the other adds each row to its own movieclip.
These are based on ASCII images, not bitmaps though (and yes thats me =) …
) but you can really see the difference in speed between the two.
so we finaly see who this coding genus is…a guy with his tounge out
those aer pretty cool too. but with jubba’s wouldnt it be a bit hard because they arent all the same colour…or even b&w.
the color really doesnt matter, thats all parsed before attaching. but also, Im not saying Jubba’s needs it. I think its great the way it is - pixel by pixel works for the experiment because it adds a kind of destructive-reconstructive aspect to the process involved in making it. This is just something Id figure Id throw out there since it can be an issue to deal with when messing around with a lot of attached pixels or clips of any kind.
Sen: Jubba and I worked for quite a bit on getting that thing to run without crashing a system (just to note, jubba did this whole thing himself, him and I just worked together on getting it to run without it crashing the flash plugin) … and I hadn’t even thought about doing it that way… it makes total sense too!!!
hehe… smart guy you…