My first photalbum!

hre we go

thats great!

Nice ! :thumb:

indeed, good job :slight_smile:

Thanks to all who seen my album

very clean, and easy nav.

good fade in/out of each image.

good job.

Very nice, love it.

One question, is it me or during the preloading are the bottom of the numbers and the % sign cutoff for others. I tried it on Firefox and IE and the bottom 1/3 of the numbers and % sign were cut off.


yes! thank You it is cut off :slight_smile: Thanks

Excelltn photography man!

Very clean.

one thing :slight_smile: I love it but…what if later on you have to add 200 pictures…as I can see now all the pictures are in one .swf…you will end up with a huge file later on…so its better to load them all individually…:slight_smile: just a suggestion!

very nice…so clean and nice to my eyes and ears…


I agree with all. Very nice site. A good example of what a nice clean photo gallery can look like.

I also agree w/ MrMass. I know (as I’m sure everyone else here does) that w/ XML you can load those images seperately. This I’ve just heard from someone. I’ve actaully been looking for a good tutorial for that if anyone knows of one.

Again, great job!



that is an awesome photo gallery, my brotha. i love it.
the only sort of annoying thing… is the fade in takes too long, in my opinion.

how the heck did you get all those pics to load so fast?! that’s just insane, I think.
i dont understand how people do it without having to sacrifice image quality.

i 2 would like to know how you got the movie to load so fast. are you loading the images externally?

Thank You for Your comments! May I explain how I got it! Question is about pistures! I got pictures from my canon sized 1024X7… I ask MM Fireworks to transform to 460X … How pictures are loaded! Because swf is to big - about 1,3 MB but in there are already all images loaded! Every images are stored in frames - from one to 30 ! Buttons have actions - on press! and above images I have a small ms - in first frame I got a white 4angle with alpha 100 in first frame if You press button -action is - nextFrame and mcwith4angle.GotoPlay(2) in 2 frame 4angle fade to alpha 0%! And that is all!

i’m not sure i fully understand… i understand that each image is on frame and that the arrows move forward or backward one frame.

what did you mean by “and above images I have a small ms”? What is ms? Also, I’m not sure I understand what the 4angle is for either… :puzzle:

ms= multiple sclirosis (check spelling). heh.

um… i still don’t understand how you got such a freaking fast loading time.

sorry MrE! I mean mc - movieclip :slight_smile: ! 4angle covers the moving to next frame - I men this mc in stepping into next frame is is visible but it plays to fade out to alpha 0% - in result I got a dading effect! Sorry my english is very bad!

rolls eyes
it’s cool, brother.