August 14, 2004, 7:04pm
ok now :O, after all the help i´ve got, numerous tries and lot of hours, i finally made my own lil flashsite
its not big, its not the best, and not even totally finished…
i´d like some feedback on it if you guys would like, hard words are accepted, as i also learn from them
well, here it is, take a look
and thx for all the help i´ve got so far u guys are GREAT !!
August 14, 2004, 10:16pm
i thinks this topic should be placed in the showcase forum…
about your site… try to skin the scrollbars too, then they will look much better with the rest of your site… maybe a preloader will be better than just the text “loading…”, because now you wont know how long it will take to load…
August 14, 2004, 11:11pm
Yeah definitely change the scroll bars to match the color scheme of your site.
August 15, 2004, 7:58am
oh sry if i posted wrong
hmm… i´d like other scrollers yes… but i don´t really know how?
can i skin the actual ones already there?
and preloader for the main swf , or the external ones beeing loaded? cause i
dont know how to put in a preloader there…