My portfolio site

my 1st attempt at a full flash site. got the dynamic scroller help from here :slight_smile: any way here is the link


:block: :block:

Very good for a first attempt!! :smiley:

Maybe put a get Flash link on the front page.

The loader is nice but if you made the corners meet up it would look a bit better.

It’s looking a bit flat. You could do with lifting or giving things a 3D perspective. Maybe even add some more movement.

The white stage stands out a bit too much compared to the color of the html surrounding it.
You could make the stage a lighter/darker shade of the html color??

After clicking a button it looks more like a speech bubble than a spray.

Under contact you have ICQ set far away from the others. Why? Also in this section, the content doesn’t fill the content window. There is a lot of empty space.

I like the way the scroller is horizontal yet scrolls vertically. Very nice.

Good work man.

From the background color i was expecting something toatly differnt.

I liekd the scrollbar but i would add soem color to it to help balnce out the white with the BG color. I liekd the side scrolling thought it was a nice touch.

I liked the navigation. i would maybe lower the sound on the buttons to be a little lower volume.

Your sound look was nice but it didn’t loop smoothly. I would try to cut it a bit better.

I liked how u went with nice pale colors that are easy o nthe eyes.

I notced the file size was 502k. That is a little large and my conection to the site was very slow(i do have dsl). I’m asuming all your content is in one SWF maybe try mporting osme of the content externaly. Even doing the sound this way will be abig help to your files size.

All and all i like this site. It has some originality to it which is great to see. I hope u do something more to it and can’t wait to see oyr portfolio filled. Good luck:thumb:

I like it, nice first attempt! but maybe you shouldn’t have flash on the splash page? you should have something to direct users without Flash player (what a bunch of losers ;)) to a download. the site could still use some work in places, bit more colour or something…

I love the spray can transitions, very cool!

hey all thanx for the kind comments … i will be improving it slowly. and my gallery btw has some stuff up. i made the windiws load externally so they take a couple of secs to load ,. each is ard 80 k. also my movie is 400k. i dunno wat made it increase to 502

anyway thanx again, :slight_smile: