My first site

I finally managed to get my little site online. It’s my first, and it’s just a ‘Lite’ version of my site, a place holder till i get my actual portfolio done. Check it out, let me what do you think =)

I would like some feedback from Opera users, didn’t get a chance to test it on that… :slight_smile:

It looks awesome ahmed. Looks like you have some really nice CSS work in there too. :thumb:

Yeah I worked real hard on the CSS… :stuck_out_tongue:

looks real nice in Moz…

nice work for a Canadian…




lookin great…
BTW what’s up w/ you becoming thor? What’s thor’s name now?


me becoming thor? what are you talking about? :stuck_out_tongue:


anymore comments? :slight_smile:

I already saw it, but still … very nice ahmed =) !

Good work Ahmed, I like the site, its very fresh and nice colors.

But if you just flash it up :stuck_out_tongue:

Very good work man =)

Salam :p:

thanks for the comments :beam:

salam… lol :stuck_out_tongue:

really interesting - at last someone who’s interested in deep down flash - I’d never seen such things made with the local connect. -keep up the good work (and give us some tuts pleaaaaaaaaaaaaase)

tuts… lol… i dont get enough time to write any… i’m willing to share source files for a couple of my experiments… stay tuned! :slight_smile: