This is my very first site…The links do not work.
Do I need a preloader for the image?
This is my very first site…The links do not work.
Do I need a preloader for the image?
It took me about 5 minutes to load without a preloader so the answer is um…YES.
-Data :sketchy:
what speed’s your connection…
its only 130 kb
ONLY 130 KB!!!
I have a 24 k connection so I am the preloader master since I spend so much time with them.
-Data :sketchy:
loaded fine for me… as long as u keep it that small it shouldnt be a problem, but id thrown one on anyway for good measure and for ppl with sucky conns
the sites not too shabby for a 1st… id get new fonts… add some content and transitions …
its really hard to judge 1st sites… but youve got a good start
when you say ‘get new fonts’ do you mean embed them?
ive been avoiding embedded fonts cause they are blurry.
for a first site, you have some pretty strong design ideas. Very nice for a first, I’d stick with this idea.
thanks a lot xxviii
no… i mean id use a font other than arial. i gets kinda bland after a while
How about using a pixel font?
PM me and i’ll give you the one Kirupa uses for the buttons.
-Data :sketchy:
arial is the ####!
woop skills. Nice one the site looks nice. Good owrk for your first site.
T-O your site is clean and nice.
*Originally posted by rysolag *
**T-O your site is clean and nice. **
nah it’s ugly and boring.
upgrade: music link
yeh id probably change the font to something like verdana
upgrade: flash link(1 movie).
or at least use a nice common font like “Verdana” If you want custom fonts, eayh try pixel fonts, but only use them with static textfields at 8 px
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