Take a look!! there are a some details missing and I don´t know why my preloader it´s not working so wait to see the car spin, thanks and tell me what do u think!!
woaahhhh it spinning too much, i m gettting diizzzyyy…:crazy:
cool job, pretty nice for your first try. just try to slow down that spinning.
thanks Soulty!! yeah I know I´ll slow it down…
my first model was a cube :-\ This one beats it
yeah man same here…lol nice job.
hehe, my first model was a cube to but I decided to export only something nice, and this is the first time I export a work
I got swift 3D for two days now:)
pritty awesome 4 a lame *** programm like swift.
But why does only one side have stripe’s on the side.
yes there´re some details missing, I´m working on it right now
I think its fantastic it even has a steering wheel!
Nice! you have lines in one side of the car and in the other side no lines. But is great i wish i could do that.
Nice work dude!
pritty awesome 4 a lame *** programm like swift.
Can YOU use it?
Thanks for all the nice replies, I didn´t expect it!