My girl and I broke up

in what could be considered the weirdst breakup ever!. she totally flipped out on me in like 1 sec. hahaha. it was crazy. im kinda glad. i learned to value my true friends. Dan has been here for me for the past 2 breakups…that crazy foo!. I was actually er drunk and high went it happened so i dont recall much but it was hillarious. See you guys around. bug hug to all

I hate break-ups…

I have an awful mental condition because of ****ty relationships in the past.

I hate break-ups!!

Eilsoe: I hear you on the mental conditions. I’m a wee bit (ok a lot) screwed up because of my past relationships.

Edwin: I’m sorry man, I know what its like. I have also had my share of weird break ups…

Sorry to hear about the breakup Edwin :frowning:

As for mental conditions because of break up… well… no, I am just mental to start with… I have other mental instabilities.


The breakup you just experienced is just training for the relationship that will work…

if that makes sense…


*Originally posted by reverendflash *

The breakup you just experienced is just training for the relationship that will work…

if that makes sense…**

I agree with rev. sorry for the break up tho, that´s no fun:(

But hey, g/f come and go, but friends last forever!=)

Nice new footer guig0, how did you do that sinking effect =) (just kidding :)), but seriously… nice new footer man.

I feel sorry for you man!
I have never broken up with anybody! :slight_smile: I have never had a girlfriend :stuck_out_tongue:
though check my status :-\ but she seems to be drooling @ my best friend… not me :frowning: :*( :frowning: Life’s unfair!

I have never broken up with anyone either. My girlfriend and I have been together for 2 years, but we are both mentally instable, so it works out :slight_smile:

Oh yeah forgot to mention…
Nice footer guig0! make the guy move too! If I press the aroow keys the guy does the walking anim but doesn’t move! Or is it just me?

Watch the sky when it walks Syko. It changes from night to day… very cool.

oh yeah! very cool! I like it! (Didn’t walk so much before :))
very cool!

*Originally posted by lostinbeta *
**Nice new footer guig0, how did you do that sinking effect =) (just kidding :)), but seriously… nice new footer man. **

hey, thanks man

coming from you it´s more than a compliment:)

[SIZE=1]ps: did you take the little guy for a walk?[/SIZE]


Thanks! Glad to see that you liked.=)

It took me a while to put my footer (no time).


Imagine how boring this whole thing would be if there were no flash footers!!!:o :-\ :o

No problem guig0 :slight_smile:

Thanks for saying it was more than a compliment coming from me :slight_smile:

That´s soo true. And I´m glad tha K-man have set rules for the size and dimension for them, some forums that I used to visit (before I came here) has some gigantic footers that ruins the page layout and make hard for me to read the posts, that is one of the reasons I only came here now.:slight_smile:

I visit no other forums…

I do occasionally visit MM forums, just to see what people are asking about, but I have not joined…

All other forums tick me off in one way or another…

The footers are definitely a bonus!


*Originally posted by lostinbeta *
**No problem guig0 :slight_smile:

Thanks for saying it was more than a compliment coming from me :slight_smile: **

No problem lost :stuck_out_tongue:


seriously, any compliment regarding design/flash coming from someone here is nice to hear, cause they know what they´re talking about, and seeing your works makes more than nice.


what´s up with the doc? :stuck_out_tongue: