My Life Sucks

Girls always do that crap. After awhile you get use to it and not let it bother you as much. Just remember…she’ll get hers…:wink:

grinch I thought you deleted the song by OK GO when I DLed it. Well its schweet you like it. It is a schweeet song!

like ethan says it could be a lot worse. In the last year I’ve lost my grandad, my long-term g/friend, my job, my car and am about to loose my house (rented not owned). You just got to take the rough with the smooth, after all what would the good times be without the bad? :wink:

I don’t think your life would suck all that much if you were dead. 'Cause you’d be all… like ya know… dead.

I can’t wait till college. I hear girls flock to you. :hugegrin:

there are plenty of fish in the sea.

(something your grandpa would say, but it holds true even today)

Yeah that song is awsome!

But hey, when your feeling down about a girl, listen to the song “The Reason”. It’s really sad, but makes me sing along to it :stuck_out_tongue:

haha an excellent point. And yah life can get much worse, and I have it all great and blah blah blah… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
The worst part of all of it was that she is extremely cool. With the greatest sense of humour ever. And she makes me very happy, and I have been depressed, well I’d say my entire life. I can Not stop smiling around her and it’s sorta scary cause I don’t want to jsut grin like an idiot but at the same time, she’s smiling and laughing too, somehow I don’t feel as stupid about it. We’ve even had staring contests a couple times. We both have trouble with it, but I just can not keep a straight face with her, and I can keep a pretty straight face usually, I’m good with that sorta humour a lot…
all that to say, that’s why it was bad. Mostly I was worried we couldn’t even be friends like before any more, but I guess we can. And I’ll just wait a bit and see what happens.

A Perfect Circle - 3 Libras


Did you mean by hoobastank or whatever? Or is this still OK GO?

Them both my friend! The reason is by Hooba, and Get Over it is by OK GO :stuck_out_tongue:

Very wisely spoken couldnt have said it any better.

grinch//Love that song.

radio//There’s not really much left to say without repeating someone else. Just chill.

I dont think your life sucks until your starving over in samolia. We are seriously spoiled here in america! I went to nicaragua one time and saw how poor people are and its really eye opening.

It sounds like you are actually very lucky.

To find a girl that great and she want’s to be friends with you… I think that’s very fortunate.

Also, she called you after you thought you blew it and all hope was lost. I think that’s very fortunate as well. You just have to have a better outlook on life and what’s going on. Sure it felt like death when you asked her and she said no, but I imagine it felt amazing when you heard the phone ring and relized it was her.

It’s the little things in life that make it worth living. All the feelings you get, good or bad, let you know your alive.

I think your a very fortunate person :slight_smile:

that’s not being in yer bed most of the day that you’ll meet new interesting people. for ex. i met my actual girlfriend in urban transport (bus) :love: . you have to be at right place, at the right moment.


Amen to that, I haven’t even gotten a girl to LOOK at me or talk to me! Of course I’m starting high school next two weeks, so that could change :hugegrin:

Don’t worry about it. I’ve been married 16 years and I had to ask my wife 4 times to go out with me before she did. Of course I knew I wanted to marry her so I was persistent. The girls before that got 1 chance because there are plenty of girls out there unless the one you want is the one.

Radio! i was just listening to this song and i thought about your problem! The song is “Not Enough” by FLAW, if this song doesn’t talk about how u feel than idk what else! but even if it doesnt make u feel better it’s still a great song!

SO I`m going to get to the same hole as u.
how old are you ? My time is coming :}

But u know this girl, i hope she likes me when she comes back ! :love:
The worst thing I dont know here much good friends no, she barly know me, but I hope we get close like u did.

Life is crazy ! :upset:

many guys get lucky, I dont know why girls pick them, they are not better than me, but its strange. Love is blind :cap:

@ grinch: got song last night, it’s playing now… interesting. (I’ll give a better opinion later). I’ll get the reason later (maybe I have it already…)

@SlowRoasted (and others that posted I am good in compasion and stuff): I know. I really am very fortunate, here in Northern Cali, although things can be better. I’m not complaining about those things (right now…). I am just a stupid American; I’m not good at seeing things like that and appreciating them. I want more things, faster food, and plenty of women, and I want it all NOW!

Thanks SureShot, that actually for some reason means a lot from you :stuck_out_tongue: It’s just good to hear that from someone I respect so much here. And when the phone rang, I was talking to my friend, and yah, for a second I thought, ‘Oh wow I hope it’s her for some reason’, and then it said private:private, which her number always says… yah it was exciting haha…

And I’ve been really trying to see things differently than I used to, it’s jsut really hard. I am a real glass half empty kinda guy. But she makes me different and that’s another great thing about her, I just can not be stupid like that around her.

Oh man yeah, High School it gets better. I’ve progressively changed throughout my life (as I hope everyone does, but some people…)
In middle school I couldn’t get a girl to save my life… eventually in high school, well I still wasn’t very cool and I wish I had been different, I learned alot the summer RIGHT after high school. But I had lots of at least fairly decent friends. It’s only now, two years after high school, I am getting even this far… which I guess is pathetic? I don’t know, I just am not a typical guy (and I say that with a cringe as I hate people that try to say they are different, cause that always means they are just the same :sigh: ). But seeing as I don’t drink or smoke, do any drugs, and basically have no interest in sports, there goes like any chance I have of getting with a girl, I guess. They all seem to, at least right now, want an idiot with a nice car that likes to be an ***. I guess that passes as confidence in most girls books. (this girl luckily, she is so much like me, as she hates the same stupid things that kids these days buy into.)

Mods, rename this thread to “Songs About Girls” :stuck_out_tongue: Thanks for the suggestion, I’ll look into it :wink:

OKAY! Thanks for your insight fellas!