For the love of God, can we all say “birthday” please?
I guess a starting point would be why it’s called Birthday, where that came from, and what it reminds you of…
For the love of God, can we all say “birthday” please?
I guess a starting point would be why it’s called Birthday, where that came from, and what it reminds you of…
let’s play word association! ok, an example: ‘kit’… foxy… hendrix… guitar etc
now, for the real thing:
‘birthday’… ah yes! a guy in a f*cking gas mask, what else?
LOL ! you are right !
Maybe you guys tell me, how shall a “logo” when the name means birthday ? ;(
-I child in a hospital–logo
-A mother is pushing hard–logo
-a nice little baby --logo
-a gas mask - logo
what more ?..
Do my word association!
(let’s not actually start a word association… they have a tendancy to get out of hand and an excuse for spam :))
Blastboy, I’m thinking… a cake? Or a present? Why you’d wanna call your compant birthday I have no idea!
*Originally posted by Blastboy *
**LOL ! you are right !
Maybe you guys tell me, how shall a “logo” when the name means birthday ? ;(
-I child in a hospital–logo
-A mother is pushing hard–logo
-a nice little baby --logo
-a gas mask - logo
what more ?.. **
okok… maybe you’re not understanding me here… when someone says “birthday” to you… you immediately think of pregnant women… hospitals and giving birth? Sorry… but that’s just weird… are you honestly telling me you dont think about your birthday? as in… presents? cake? candles? happy… stuff? or are you in fact a total weirdo? :-\
lol NONO !!!
birthday, ah my name means it, why becouse I was born when jesus was born in same date… 22 december, well he came 25 dec. but its cinda same… thats why they called me Millad but, maybe I must change my company name, I dont know what ?
OKOK I just got help from my Mother here becouse I dont realy realy know what Millad means…
Millad means =
Peace…I white burd-> thats peace.
No gas mask:P
maybe A white bird flying !!! yes a white bird
:bounce: but I canot draw a white bird ?
someone help me ?
right… so you were name ‘birthday’ because you were born on 22nd December… i.e. not 26th December :-\ talks into radio Erm… hiss can we get someone over here please… click I think this boy has underlying issues that need addressing… hiss click
what’s that? a white bird you say? what a good idea!
nods and smiles
talks into radio* Erm… hiss can we get someone over here please… click I think this boy has underlying issues that need addressing… hiss click
?what? :sure:
How about the silhouette of a dove in flight? Put that against the circle background, same style as the original number 5.
google search… white bird
A very nice logo for me ;(
sorry kit whats a silhouette ?
Yes yes I dove !!! yes Thanx. but how to draw one as a logo?
can I take it from Google or how, Im not good at this :*(
can someone help :-\
hmm…I guess I was going more for some ways for you to come up with some ideas than making specific recommendations.
It seems like you’re beginning to get on the right track, though. I’ll be the first to tell you that it’s almost never a quick, easy process to come up with winning imagery for a logo. You just have to keep plugging away at it. It’ll happen. I promise. It will take some time, though.
Working with the “birthday” angle is a pretty tough one. Don’t concentrate specifically on a directly associated image if it’s stumping you. (i.e. a picture of a birthday cake or candle.) Play around with some compositions of typography. A great example of this method is Macromedia’s logo. Does it tell you instantly what the company is about? Not really. Is it memorable and easily recognizable? Definitely. You’ll find the letter “M” is pretty nice to work with in this way.
I took a few of my initial ideas and ran with them. These wouldn’t be anything I’d necessarily present to a client without some refining and coming up with about 20 more ideas. (I try to make a lot and choose my favorite 3 to present.)
The three concepts in the attached file will give you a better idea of what I’m talking about with image abstraction and typographic composition.
btw - these are for illustrative purposes only. If you use them, I have to charge you lots of money.
If you dropped that photo into Illustrator, Freehand or other vector drawing program and traced the outline you’d have the beginnings of a very sharp logo. You might mot want to include all of the little feather detail and such. But, that’d be safe in the way of copyright infringement and wouldn’t look bad at all.
Take a shot. It all takes practice.
Here is an example of what they mean
Then you cna fancy it up a bit if u want
sintax321 can I use one of these examples you made. Can I edit them and use them. ?
Thank you very much. I had problems with creating the bird in
ps 7 but now u made it. can u also put the ps7 file ?
Than you very much for your examples stimulus
you realy help me.
Thanx :tb:
ya i dont’ see why not. I’m not goign to use it for much else and I’m sure you where jsut going to do something similar any way cause kit suggested the idea.
wish i had this much help on my logo
I cant think of anything for my design company VisualAMP all i can think is a tv with vis on the screen
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