start another thread and post what you have currently… I’m game to kick around some ideas.
Word to your mother.
start another thread and post what you have currently… I’m game to kick around some ideas.
Word to your mother.
VisualAMP, what does that mean? are u talking amp as in amplified, or is this an acronymn for something else?
And why a TV? Do you do broadcasting? Expand a little on what you want to achieve and it will be far easier.
blast (millad) didnt you already have a set of logos that you made? You asked for opinions and got a bunch. Personally there was one I really liked. The first step to being an artist and surviving in this business is knowing when to put the brush down. Go with what you already had those were nice. Sorry if someone said this already I did not read all the posts
hey visual amp. I just thought of an idea for a logo for you ill try to whip it up and pm u. If you like could you give a lil credit to ya boy over here for helping you ?
people put to much thought into logos. i mean come on one of the most famous logo’s is a nike swoosh. do you really think they sat around for weeks and weeks designing that!
nah I dont think it is too much thought. But you only get one chance to make a first impression. ANd if they are lke wut the hell is that? Then you have lost. Branding is very very important and requires thought and research.
I doubt they sat for weeks designing that one but i’m sure they thought for weeks on a couple before deciding on that one.
Actually, that logo was far from dumb luck. It was at least as calculated as anything we’ve come up with here.
The swoosh logo is a design created by Carolyn Davidson, a graphic artist in Portland in 1971. It represents the wing of the Greek Goddess of victory-NIKE. It’s not just a weird shape someone thought would look neat, it had a great deal of thought put into its symbolism, marketability and impression.
Logos portray business images. The logo’s distinct image is a reminder of a product or service.
You remember great logos because they’ve made a lasting impression. The impact of-or lack thereof-a logo can mean the difference between the success of a business or that of its competitor.
Smaller businesses especially must meet the challenge of creating a long lasting first impression. When establishing the corporate identity for a startup or small business, goals are formulated, business plans are instituted and a specific image is created. But the logo identity is far too often put on the back burner and thoughtlessly designed. The evolution of the logo design and its finalization into a well crafted image will convey to the public that this company cares about they image they project.
In short, if your business has shoddy identity it conveys that feeling to potential clients and customers. Businesses care about these things because it’s financially prudent to do so.
3d iva if ya help u’ll get loadsa credit
and VisualAMP i dont know why i prefer to call it VA cause my other name thing is VisualAid (tv viewing) (visual amps a tv?)
thats what i think anyway :).
AMEN…stimulus… I just gave that speech to a new client.
Visual…I will try to whip it up today on my lunch break. To help me out could post a few adjectives (one word descriptions) about your company? Just the first few things that come to mind
stimulus at least u seem to have an understanding of branding. No offence but some of u guys have awesome computer skills but so need to get away from the computer a bit and grasp a better understanding of the principles and concepts of design.
Designs that you take for granted (such as the Nike swoosh) and that are subtly great, are born from a massive creative process. Admittedly some designs still manage to turn out a little suspect despite this process, but the point is that there is far more to good deisign than meets the eye.
yeah like I said in my post research…I go thru a lengthy process b4 releasing an identity. I do alot of stuff b4 sitting down at the computer. i agree. But stimulus hit the nail on the head. Very good stuff in his post.
I wasn’t trying to come off as condescending or anything. This just happens to be my bag. Hell, I started coming to these forums because there a s**tload of people who really know the ins and outs of Flash. I don’t. I’m learning–with help from everyone else here–but I’m still pretty green.
I just don’t want to burn any bridges.
Great design is a long and hellish endeavor that’s intended to look effortless. The most difficult design is often the simplest.
stimulas, boy now that is an explanation
point taken…I think that was very good advice…I hope you stick around continue to give advice like that.
3d-iva I had a Virus in my Pc- I had to reinstall everything…
I lost everything + my site.
I must start over so I work the site out and the logo !
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