My new site concept

As a few of you know, I am updating my sites layout thanks to some great advice from my last post (My last post). The main page is obviously not even close to completion. BTW, I am still working on the FlashTrak. [URL=]My Site

P.S: Electrongeek, I was looking for some good Hip Hop beats on, but couldn’t find what I was looking for. Then I checked out your LCD layout and liked tracks 2 and 3, so I am using them for my own site, hope you don’t mind :smirk:

hahah I don’t mind at all, they’re not mine so anyone can use them. =) As for your site, a lot of the stuff on there looks very familiar to me. :smirk: I can see that you found the fonts you asked me about. =)

yea the fonts are awsome THX A LOT! :A+:

hey your track control numbers seem to be lacking a hitArea. so only the number itself is the hitArea, makes it difficult to hit

looks like you picked up the frame rate (or my pc is working better)

gonna add any graphics (ie, screenshots on the portfolio page)?

keep it up and let us know when you get more done

PS - Acid Loops is a pretty neat program for doing music. my music background is nill, but I made three “songs” for my site with it, they’re not the greatest (by any means) but all this to say it’s an easy to use program and comes with samples that you mix into your own thing . . . :slight_smile:

thx for the advice, ill be sure to check it out! =)