I was playing around in PS and came up with a new site layout for me. I was jus twanting some feedback on what you guys thought. It doesn’t work in any way it is just a jpg.
So what do you think? Any comments welcome<:}
I was playing around in PS and came up with a new site layout for me. I was jus twanting some feedback on what you guys thought. It doesn’t work in any way it is just a jpg.
So what do you think? Any comments welcome<:}
this is cool…
how do you plan on making this site? will it be entirely in flash? if so will it be vectors, raster, or both? It would be really cool, if you could bring this pic into flash, and then recreate all the elements in flash, and then animate them onto the stage. I would like to see what happens next with this project. Keep work up good the.
Keep work up good the.
That looks pretty cool Sintax, something different I guess. It would also be neat if you made that guy shift and distort in flash, thats if you’re planning on going flash with this. Good job, I look forward to seeing the final piece. =)
Thanks guys
Ya I plan on taking this into flash and recreating the menus and animations in vector. Some of the origional raster image will be used as PNG objects. We can thank elisoe for the font. He gave it to me in another thread. I jsut love that font . It has to be the best pixel font ever. And I do plan on having the guy shift. i will be making like 4 differnt blurs and there will be just quick transitions shifts of the background. You will see what i mean when it is all finished.
edit I would do more to the BG and probalby will. I just don’t want it to crowded bercasue my content sections will be opening over it. I’ll maybe make up a mock content window as welledit
very cool! I can already imagine the shifting animation!
Sintax, could you tell me the name of that font? I like it, it looks really clean.
wow, very nice design.
i want to see the flash
suggestion: maybe removing some + symbols… there are to many… but the site look good anyway.
Ya i will be switching up the symboles. I just didn’t want it to look empty.
Here is a very rough idea of how one of the content sections might look. Very rough in no way final. Just to give you an idea
*Originally posted by thediablo *
**maybe removing some + symbols… **
Totally agree… if youre going for something different dont use the trenwhoreish ++++ thingy - other then that, I really like what you’ve done.
Oh and could you post a link to the thread where you got the font - I just love it… thanks elisoe!!
ha we posted at the same time… I like everything except the text box, just doesnt go well. hmmmmm ::
You know it was like 2 months ago so i don’t even remember which thread it was. I’ll just post the font later tonight. Sound good?
sounds good to me - thanks
Hey, something else… It’s kinda though to read the titles of the various boxes… Try making the first letter of each word a few shades lighter.
sintax… just a friendly reminder… what was the name of that font??
Here you go
Boy I love this forum! You get free fonts, ideas, inspiration, friendly support, a good laughter every once in a while, to meet good people and all that other stuff that you know already!
Thats why its soooo addicting Syko!!
Thanks sintax - I appreciate it!
NP but be sure to that elisoe when you see him next.
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