My new site

OK I’ve updated the transition under web design, I’d love to know if this is better than the one I had, I think it’s definetely a step in the right direction. Thanks!

The work you have done is not bad but for the website and how you have developed; instantly I thought to myself, “What the Hugo Larcher and Scott Hansen?” Now whether or not you were inspired by them isn’t my concern but my concern is whether does your website truly reflect the work you are doing or what you what to present to us who you are? If you are targeting potential clients then it is a bit slow because of the animations.

It’s alright overall but it’s not a good website yet however. You might not care what I say for whatever reason but this is my opinion from a design perspective and a marketing perspective.

And as for rights, unless someone who stumbles across my site wants to be a jerk and report me to the music industry they’re going to stay up. I’m not using the songs to gain a profit off of them, I’m only putting them up because I like them and I plan to rotate songs depending on what I’m listening to at the time. I’m a little fish in a big pond and if they manage to find me and make me take them down more power to them.
If at any time I get a cease and desist order from the music industry, the songs will be taken down and replaced with a crappy loop track that I’ll go find on flashkit. (not that every loop I’ve heard there is crap, just the majority!

think before you write
thats wrong
ever thought about the guy who made that music
what about them?
forget the industry, think of the individual

all in all the site is quite polite / really good

ps. the music sucks

As a musician with music available to the public, I agree with grmlyn. Think of it this way, let’s say I was taking credit for a site you designed?

As for stealing my design or borrowing from it, more power to the person. I’ve had things stolen before and I don’t know many designers without swap files. (not that they steal directly, but other designs help some people become creative.)
I’ve never stated I created the music, never played any instruments, never sang any of the songs so I think your argument is illegitimate. Like I said above, I dont care about the music issue, I stated my opinion above about it and if anyone wants to make it an issue, go start that discussion in another thread please.

Minimalistik - I have no idea who Hugo Larcher or Scott Hansen are so I’m not biting on their work, whatever it may be (Print? Web? Fine Art?). I came up with the site on my own, no swap files, no looking at other people’s sites; I was coming up with some comps for my companies website redesign and I had some design elements that inspired me to start re-designing my site.
I appreciate the comments you left and I am working on making the site better than what it is right now. And you’re saying it needs work and it’s your opinion so I can respect that and consider what you suggest; make changes if I think they are valid criticisms. I’m looking for criticism both good and bad about the site.
Please believe me when I say that I come from a marketing and Design background as well so alot of the isues you’ve raised have already come under careful thought.

Just for further clarification: I did a google search and checked out the two names you listed above and I can definetely see where you would have made that connectoin but I can tell you honestly I’ve never seen either of those sites before.

All of my transitions are now done, please check out the site and let me know what you think if you have a moment, thanks!

And I’m going to eat some crow now: To everyone that said get rid of the music, you were all right and I was wrong. I just really really REALLY wanted to force that music to work and even though that’s some of what I was listening to when I made the site, it just didn’t fit and it took me awhile to convince myself not to use it. So thanks to everyone who pointed it out.

I like the transitions and the design/color usage. very nice. I didnt have my sound turned on, but I dislike sounds on websites…makes my teeth itch

too many menu sections, five-six is ok for me :slight_smile:

looks good overall, but as minimalistik has mentioned it’s a bit too slow