New site, check please

hey guys whats up?:flower:
I couldn’t sleep last night so I started doing this site there are a lot of things missing but the main ideas there so you’ll probably get its feeling, really apreceate it if you could just check it out and give me some feed back on it. thanx every one
and here’s the link

I think u can do crisper logo, I like the music, some images are pixelated…contact the most…I like the ideas u have and transitions, on mouse over u have that lines overlapping thing like on my sites, I would recommend u make that play instead of mouse over action…I would change that nav look and feel, not really happy with the button idea, maybe a different font, more tech like u dont need live help link unless u offer some services that they have problems with. the button u have on mouse over shows the time, u dont need it, I liek how the time fits good in the upper nav. © ? add ur name down there

hope it helps a bit


Get rid of that annoying as hell line thing that keeps following my mouse. aside from that there are only minor as glitches (like on the contact page). Aside from those I see no other problems.

Hey mrMass thanx for the comments.
Ur completely right about the logo and the pictures.
the lines overlapping effect is supposed to show another picture that’s being masked which is almost in the same hue.
any ideas or suggestions about the nav? for the fonts I’m using FFFbusiness and FFFhologen, and i guess they are high tech pixel fonts ,doesn’t it show? and finally for the live help effect I’m working for a e-commerce/solutions company which also offers webdesign and development services so they needed the live help for their 24/7 support. Didn’t understand what your saying about the clock, are you sayin’ I should leave it visible ? and get rid of the on mouse over effect? the C thing should be changed with some privacy policy usual stuff which is part of the comapany’s job. any way thanx for the comments. lookin forward to hearing more.

the clock I would place in the top menu next to date, the font doent really look techy, it looks like spaced out arial that comes with all the computers…I’m talking about the main nav.


Oh by the way you were right about the font I forgot to break it. so if you don’t have it installed, you’d probably see arial or sth like that. Thanx again

u right I didnt even know that, because someone just told me in some topics actually mods at SOTW pointed out that my loader displays arial or geneva, some font like that, and on my computer my loader with that font is awsome…I was like huh :slight_smile: maybe u have the same problem…


Yeap, it’g gotta be it. I broke it and checked it from a remote site , n it looks ok. thanx again though:thumb:
I’m goin’ yo work on that menu.
rest of you guys, come on give me some ideas be harsh on me.

the “this is a test” stuff is very blurry to me. Get rid of the line that follows the mouse. Company, portfolio, and services all have the same transition, but the others all have different ones. I’d either let them all have the same ones, or all have different ones.

don’t know if this last one is easily fixable or if you want it this way. But when you click and hold a button, then move the mouse off the button, the button stays white (the transition stays on, it doesn’t go back to being grey like it started).

every single font is blurred, read the readme for your pixel fonts and fix that, your site will look much better… blurred pixel fonts totally destroy a great site

hey guys thanx for the comments.

yeap there all going to have different transitions I just felt sleepy so I let it go around 7:30 in the morning or so. thanx for help though and the for the blurry stuff ur right will work on that for the real text.
@ :mike:
thanx for the suggestion, I never knew pixel fonts have all these limitations to them. will be lookin forward to later comments.
cheers ::}

looks good to me. somethings bother me. like the drawings that you made in flash. for some reason they don’t seem to flow together. i d k. its hard to explain. and try to mask your moveis that you load in. i see things flying in over the menu. (unless thats what you want but i think thats not what you want).
but overall nice job. very good site. :thumb:

Its a great site with nice transitions and cool masking effects in the form of vertical multi coloured lines. Its great stuff, the rollover effects on the buttons are good as well. The mp3 player I think is magnificent.

There are a few things you need to address though. The text on your buttons and gererally throughout your site is blurred, the font doesn’t look like its a pixel font so I’d check the text is located on whole numbers on the X and Y co-ordinates. Apart from that the sites great.

Some others mentioned this - you’ve got to get rid of those bars that follow the mouse pointer.

I think the design is cool, I like the page transition effects, really cool. Honestly, just get rid of the bars and add the content in, and I think you have a soild web site.

I don’t see some of the pixelated things the others have talked about, maybe you have fixed it, but on my computer at least, things are looking ok.