Hello everybody. This is my own portfolio page. All the textes are in german. I just wanna know what you think about it. You can be honest with me, I can bear bad criticism. So tell me what you think about it.
Hello everybody. This is my own portfolio page. All the textes are in german. I just wanna know what you think about it. You can be honest with me, I can bear bad criticism. So tell me what you think about it.
Well, if you can bear bad criticism:
it’s kinda nothing.
How 'bout a link, ?
i think it looks nice, there seemes to be an issue with white space though? THeres a lot of blank space ;). But it’s nice and simple.
aka We need a link here
Swiss perfection MY ARSE!
J/k :trout:
Whoo that is some 2advanced shiznit over there :).
I forgot.
There’s something wrong with your fonts.
For instance, in the Print section: there isn’t a single text legible over here…
Or maybe it isn’t supposed to be? I dunno.
Also, change the main font… Times New Roman sucks major donkey ****.
[size=1]Okay, that was uncalled for, sorry :ne: [/size]
Other then that, it doesn’t look bad :thumb:
Times New Roman? I took Lucida Sans, but there’s a huge problem with the fonts, because if a text needs a scrollbar you’ll be supposed to use a dynamic text field so that might be the problem. But I try to solve this problem.
Embed your fonts
Also, you might want to try and make a custom scrollbar.
make it more flash like, i didn’t know it was flash till i right clicked :).
Actually it was my idea to create a website with flash, that’s not full of effects and movement. I just want to present my work. The website should look very simple. So that all visitors can concentrate theirselves on the main thing.
I love the simplicity. Now when you see flash sites you expect it to be super (no pun intended) Flashy. I like it, great job. A little more color would be nice though. :mu:
Yeah I like it, the site is slick and simple,
The emphasis being a designer’s portfolio is on your work not how much 3d you can shove in to the site design and how much stupid quirky flash effects you can copy from flash kit!
Definitely feels like a graphic designer’s portfolio more than a web design portfolio.
The site works well for me. Meets the criteria of the work taking precedence over the site. Some nice work too and photography.
Only gripe yeah maybe a further enlargement of each item of work, a html page or summin to truly show off your work, as this is the sole purpose of a portfolio…but I like it does the job no unnecessary clutter, nice page layout.
why on earth are you using flash?? i dont think ure idea to do a ‘non flash’ site is a good one. by doing it in html you will open it up to a wider audience…
i like it other than that, very clean and simple…
I would have to say this site is sub-par. Seems like a waste of Flash IMO. The layout is decent but it’s just the simple fact that it can be done in HTML just as ez. With that said and out of the way:
The small un-readable text under the headers is an old played out style and for your layout it just makes it look dirty.
The picture on the side… if you decided to add something more to your site i would like to see that change, giving more impact.
Photo section, it was hard to see the X to close the images, maybe it would be better if you just made clicking the whole image itself to back to the photo nav.
Print section, your text stuff is very unclear making the projects that you’re tryin to showcase look nasty. The back arrow not very slick… maybe make them load just like the photo page, same closing effect. This way you’re not “confusing” ppl. Also, the way you have your projects laid out makes it look like it’s one project instead of 4 different ones.
E-mail form… need to find a form that verifies that the e-mail address input is an actual e-mail addy. I just put in asdf and sent, so enjoy that e-mail
Layout and colors are good, although it would’ve been just as ez in HTML.
The lack of actual animation and interactivity really takes away from your site, and your ability… and the point of Flash. Even simple rollovers or very small tweens would improve this site 10 fold. Portfolio sites need to compilment your portfolio… not dumb it down.
The site is the presentation of your portfolio, and honestly your presentation needs work. Sorta like goin in for a job interview in jeans and a wife beater, you may have the skill but I’m not gonna bother w/ you if you don’t look presentable.
Last thing the white space isn’t really working for this site either, maybe try something to improve on that.
Thanks at all!
It’s very nice from you to give me these construcitve critiques. I’m very grateful because it helps me to create a nice website.
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