have updated my site- please take a look and let me know your feedback…
absolutely no comments!! guys- post something… good- bad… constructive- destructive… anything!!
I like the art style, and I also like the quotes.
Not a lot of content on the main page though.
I haven’t responded because I don’t want to sound harsh but here it is:
- Design wise there is no flow to no focal point
- Terrible use of typography
- Terrible use of Flash - and very sloppy coding you have tons of glitches in the site
- I can’t read anything, which totally kills the point of a portfolio
Scrap and redo.
When making a portfolio, here are a couple of things that I personally think you should adhere somewhat to;
Make up front loading reasonable. Admittedly I have comcast which sucks but whenever I have to wait for more than 15 seconds upfront loading for a portfolio I think it’s pretty sad.
Choice of typefaces is really really out of place here, not to mention you’ve used pixelfonts and put them on either decimal positions (13.2 instead of 13) or used antialiasing on them. Bad idea. In general pixelfonts these days are starting to look … um… not so great anymore
Every effect on buttons, onrollovers etc is gonna be seen massive amount of times. You have to make sure you can justify every use of extravagant, long animations for anything since it makes the site feel unresponsive or slow.
Try very hard to not open windows, popups or anything like it since it distracts the attention and confuses most users. Not to mention people are very unlikely to return to the original window.
If you are using flash, then make sure you know WHY you are using flash. Making something in anything but css takes a certain toll on your site. Both in usability, SEO and loading time (unless you external everything) and thus if you are intent on using flash you need to make sure you take advantage of it. The portfolio site looks like it would be much much better in css.
Browse design sites. Not FWA since that’s just bribed b-s these days, but independent design lists and such (google!) to get a feel for what works and what doesn’t.
And um… try to figure out a color scheme before you make your site
thanks a ton- i think i should go back and work on some typography first… thanks for explaining it all sekasi.
Yep. This is a scrap and redo thing. Seriously though, don’t use Flash for it. It’s overkill.
what they said ^
I just wanted to add that… I strangely like the favicon
It looks nice I like the way its setup other than that I would go with what zaneTrance said. Just bump up the size of the content area.
Digitalosophy- thanks- however, could u please let me know the examples of sloppy coding and glitches on the site- i need to know so that i can fix those-thanks again for the feedback… also, for the portfolio when u say that u cant read anything- is that the font size of the font color… do let me know.
[quote=Digitalosophy;2346360]I haven’t responded because I don’t want to sound harsh but here it is:
- Design wise there is no flow to no focal point
- Terrible use of typography
- Terrible use of Flash - and very sloppy coding you have tons of glitches in the site
- I can’t read anything, which totally kills the point of a portfolio
Scrap and redo.[/quote]
thanks - finally somebody liked something on the site !!
[quote=icleric;2346681]what they said ^
I just wanted to add that… I strangely like the favicon :D[/quote]
“Graphics is the visual means” made me close the window…
very interesting!! however, if u could reply with some constructive criticism- that would be appreciated more and surely would be more helpful.
he means that because the sites graphics are really bad
bad choice of placement colours
like it just doesnt fit right
and your pixel fonts are aliased. just looks bad
and the “Graphics is the visual means” sounds corny
i reckon for you html/css is the way is to go.
faster load times and easier to read
flash is only good if you know how to use it properly
^^^ Don’t be a douche.
Yay to everybody who didn’t feel it necessary to piss all over somebody looking for constructive criticism. (and whose homepage isn’t a counterstrike team board)