My portfolio

Here’s my portfolio minus the splash page and the portfolio secion itself. Tell me what you think, be honestly harsh.


da heck is up with track number 3? haha, freaking me out, but other than that, it looks pretty nice. you might want to disable the portfolio button when that window is over it, because even tho that thing wit your profile covers the button, i can still click on the portfolio. Thats not a good thing, especially because the button itself cant be seen. But other than that, i like it.

I didn’t even realize that, thanks for the input.

How would I go about doing that since I loaded the popup from a movie clip?

Btw track 3 is the theme from Beautiful Mind

hmm… name the button and disable it when the movie clip appears. I THINK, im not positive on this one.

Click on the porfolio button, and name it, button1. click on the profile button and name it button2. Now, on frame 1 of the profile MC, put a action lyke

_root.button1.enabled = false;

and for the porfolio MC, do the same thing, only use button2. i THINK this should work, but im not sure. give it a shot

have you music fade in. it caught me off guard.:cowboy:

How are you learning 3ds max and cinema 3d???
I wish I had those two programs!

I gotta get money to get one of them

cinema 4d – great prog, Ishi if your looking for a cheaper and easier to learn prog then you should definitely try Cinema 4d… (although I know 3ds max is THE 3d prog, C4d is has made its way to the top…)

Sorry, but i don’t like it too much. It lacks professionlaity and it’s not very clear. also, i would add a border to the whole site and i would try using different colors.

but i think it’s a good start.


Hey, dude.

Your 15? You have a lot of potential. I am 20. I see what i use to design in your designs. Get a hold of me. Business question to ask you.

I would lose the litte arrow thing u have to click to start. Asume that the people navigating are a 5 year old with a low IQ. A lot of users arent smart enough to figure out to click the arrow.

The header pic is nice but it doensnt really fit the site.

The colors need work. THe blue is nice but the grey doesnt’ look nice. Seems a little boring and i don’t think that is u.

THe popups dont’ fit the site either. And the alwasy moving corners are distracting. Make them move once every 30 secs if that. It will give them kind of a breathing effect and wont be so distracting.

Right now with you portfolio being a little empty rihgt now i would lose the fiel tree structure. IT is just alot of extra clicking. When your portfolio gets bigger it is a great way to lay it out. IT is a good idea jsut a little much right now.

In your profile section the text is blury and hard to read. Get a micro font and always keep yor text an a absolute pixel. This wil lhelp keep the text form bluring. The matrix style text thing is cool but i would maybe speed it up a bit.

Also put some kind of preloader or loading on your music. When a user clicks and sees nothing happen the assume the button doesn’t work.

All and all a great start for a 15 year old. This is one of the better first sites i’ve seen. You have soom good skills for being so young.:wink:

Yeah, it took me a while before i knew what i was doing and i am 17, and the songs you have to get to fade in i nearly pooped in my pants as my speakers were hell loud, and it just went BOOM!@

Thanks for the input, especially sintax.

I’ll get working on it once I find some free time and then ask for your input again.

I like it.