My site... need opinion


Mods - I’ll let you handle this one :wink:


eh? :confused: :-\

asphalt - it was posted in the random forum when I replied :slight_smile:

aaaah ok :slight_smile:

awww! I was hoping for some hardcore pr0n :wink:

no opinions?

*Originally posted by asphaltcowboy *
**awww! I was hoping for some hardcore pr0n :wink: **

did you check the pic.

it’s getting there:trout:

logo and navigation looks fine but i think it’ll be better if you decrease height of navigation.
The above picture is 156 kbs and caoses page load slow. File size can be reduced.
I would use smaller font size.

Good site.

I like the site.

I would say either add some more flash or get rid of it all together. Why I say this is, the rollovers on the navigation can easily be done without the flash and the background music could be done (albeit with a little more effort) without flash also.


few things i dont like:

the bevel (pillow emboss - ithink) on the slanted font for ‘x-news’ looks weird for the X - bit confusing

mmh actually i checked your site again and it IS clear… Mhhh just add a bit more flash ! some mask effect on your 3d-asterix would look kewl… (ie using the wireframe or hiliting different sides of the shape --)

keep up the good job


don’t worry m8, she’s not worth it :wink:

what are you HIGH?

She’s ****ing gorgeous:smirk:

got her number;)

aww, how sensitive, you’re such a cutie chris :slight_smile: