I like this a lot better with the nav across the top like this. Makes
it so much easier to get through your site. I like the bg graphic as
well, is it different? Nice improvements since last time.
p.s. - you last thread is gone because of the forum changing
hosts. In that process, they were unable to save the last 5 days
or so of our posts, so that’s why it’s gone.
Yes, I changed the navigation bar and the right hand side of the image. Before, it stopped kind of abruptly so I added the dots to make the change more kind of a gradient.
Also, I placed borders around the content to somehow make it more defined. I guess it worked…
Mariofan, I indeed got rid of the underlines. You were right, it looks cleaner now.
I also took a look at the ‘moving dots’ fla at the Kirupa-lab, changed it a bit and put it into the top-banner.
I like it, it looks nice and simple I think. (the only thing is, that maybe the constantly moving dots distract people a bit…)
And EG, yes, I’m aware that the content is pretty spread out.
But if I shrink it I get even more blank space on the right hand side. (I am on 1280*1024 and now have about 30% blank space there)
So if I would narrow it down, I’m not sure how to cope with that.
Maybe you have any suggestions? (I’m sure you do… )
Anyway, you’ve all been of great help already, so thanks!