Site check

hey how u doing

could u comment on this site plz.

thank u very much for your time.

Hmm, sorry but I don’t like it.

The header has no use of so much animation, the fonts you use in that header don’t go along … at all! I can’t figure out your transitions, lines come and go, bg-animations are unnecessairy, The huge arial font you use is a big nono, some of your pics are reaaal low-quality. Need I say more? …

Sorry, but it need TONS of work …

Overall tip: just because it’s flash doesn’t mean EVERYTHING has to move and be animated.

WAY to much going on…cut down on the needless animations/grfx.

A goot way to do this is to look at each element and ask yourself, “what good does this do” (in getting the information to your user). Are you putting it there because you can and think it is cool, or is it there for a reason?.


not to offend, but honestly i’d rather not have a rollOver effects on those buttons. if thats not an option, then u need spend more time on it.

i noticed that on the guestbook’ rollOver, it says “Services”!

i like the cloud effects, has a good feel :wink:

the site shows a fair degree of knowledge in flash but suffers from a distinct lack of good design. As a first attempt the site has merit but definately needs work. the header is far too large, filled with conflicting images and animated too harshly. in short it’s a programmers site :wink:

  • I would avoid external links that do not link into another window <in the photos section>.

Very laggy in my computer.

Im a fraid i have to agree with everyone on this. There is too much going on. And its huge, where did all those Kb come from. To be honest look at what you dont need and then compress what you are using. On rollover script dont have a complete white out try a 30-40% alpha transition, doesnt need to be instantly noticable. Just as a reminder to the user that they have rolled ouver their button. And increase frame rate to 24fps. Im sorry if this sounds too harsh but Ive been given the same critique. Study what else in going on in that area on the net. The best idea i have always used is rip off someones idea improve that then rip off my own idea. It come up with something unique and gives you a fresh perspective.

Hope this helps

Sorry if that was too harsh

no thats ok your comments are good.
but i dont know how to reduce the size

i tried to make it as small as possible,i dont know how to make it smaller.
i wil try what u told me too they_played_tri ,thanks alot