My site

I did not design this layout and im not claiming I did. This is my site though and im paying someone by the name of r0ntu to make it. I just want you guys to comment on the look and give me some feedback/suggestions on it please. ITS NOT FINISHED YET

the background needs to be rethunk and there are some gaps between the sections. mabye try to see if he can tighten up the coding aspect. also mabye reduce the shadows under each header thingy

okay thanks for the suggestions, ill relay it to him.

Consider getting a slightly better hosting account, you have gone over your bandwith.

How can you go wrong with such a layout? Isn’t this page everywhere?
No telling what this page is for though.

Personally, i think it’s too long (too much scrolling) - in other words, i would never have bought the bottom ad-space.

What do you need the left menu for?

I’m not a person that can obviously figure out what needs buffing in webpages, but I can give you my 2 cents from your site.

  1. mikken is right about having to scroll way too much and if I was someone that would want to advertise to your site, I wouldn’t want my ad to be put down there because most likely people wouldn’t scroll down unless the “Top 10 Games” and “Game Title” were long enough that they would actually scroll down which means if it’s not long enough, they wouldn’t see my ad.

  2. I think the site needs more expansion horizontal wise. Unless if you put descriptions of each Top 10 Games to make people scroll down and read. If you’re just planning to put the top 10 game names there it wouldn’t be long enough. a thumbnail of each game covers might be useful

  3. If this is going to be a gaming site, I would suggest adding more color variation and some 3d renders for your title like some gaming sites have. Keep in mind if you want people to visit your site, you must make the first thing that appears on their screen to be appealing.

–I can’t make a site half as good as this one. But I’m a gamer and I would expect a gaming site to have renders from different games especially those that you put in your top 10 games.

Too much advertisement, dont you think?
One next to the tittle, under the tittle, on the left side of the content and on the bottom of the page.

I like it…nice colors nice design, very clean…but u need to find a new hosting. geocities suck!

As previously stated the hosting is bad, you can get a decent host for very little money at all. Design wise its very generic there are so many sites that look like this one does.


I can host ya cheap :P!! - not to burst darkmotions selling trick… :stuck_out_tongue:

i think its ok, except the too much scrolling and the wierd spaces… minimize that and its all good…

well, i dont think the scrolling can be made any shorter

I need the left menu because I have too many links that cant fit on the horizontal menu.