Hi all,
I’d be very greatful for comments/feedback/constructive criticism on www.book-trade.co.uk. Apart from small problems with the search facility on some pages, I think everythiung works to a reasonable standard.
Hi all,
I’d be very greatful for comments/feedback/constructive criticism on www.book-trade.co.uk. Apart from small problems with the search facility on some pages, I think everythiung works to a reasonable standard.
Well as for design, it’s not one of it’s strong points, but it’s functional and that’s more important in this case. I like how everything is organized, but the colors isn’t too appealing.
Also that link you posted is wrong, the correct link is this for anyone else who wants to view the site.
Your logo is fuzzy. Sharpen that up (try using a .png).
i agree with what electrongeek said.
here are some things that i would do, if this were my site.
I would get rid of the green background on the site…it just doesn’t look right. I think a simple white background would look a lot more professional.
A professionally done logo would do wonders for your site. That squished, pixelated image that is at the top of the page really brings down the whole site.
Along with the logo, you need some simple kind of image for your navigation bar…it doesn’t have to be anything fancy either. The black rectangle just doesn’t look right.
I’m not trying to be harsh on you…but you do have to remember that you’re competeting with some big guns (ebay!). Good luck.
thanks for the feedback guys. This was my first crack at website design, and i guess i was expecting a lot if i though it was going to be perfect first time!!
I’ll bear all the comments in mind, and look at ways of implementing them.
Thanks again.
All your links are opening in the top frame… You might want to fix that BTW, that site is quite good for your first attempt:This was my first attempt
yeah, i’m aware of that problem
yeah, i’m aware of that problem
Well, here’s a solution
You might want to read[U]w3school.com’s frames tutorial[/U]. Basically, you need to name the frame that your content is in and tell the links to go to that target.
You see, you named your content frame “main”. On the link to the message board, however, the code is:
<img src=“http://members.cox.net/fazala/images/1.png”>
You need to change that to
<img src=“http://members.cox.net/fazala/images/2.png”>
Good Luck!!
Thank you very much!!
I’ve sorted it all out now.
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