well i worked on this a while back, and had to put it up on the net
before i was going to redo it completely. at the time i was just tired
of messing with it so you’ll notice some things are incomplete.
now i think its about time i update it so this is what i’m going to do.
i’m going to change some images/links/information and make some
additions, but still figured i would see what kind of feedback i can
get from the kirupa community. please let me know what you think.
good or bad… all is welcome.
First off, i like your logo… i dont think it is very original, but i like it all the same. somehow it reminds me of many others out there
the clicks and beeps dont go with the ambient music… i think they go well with the images you scroll through (which are great images BTW). if i were you id change the music because it was depressing me after a while! and you and your wife look like happy people! :lol:
skin your scroll panes… there are lots of tutorials on this and it has come up on kirupa a lot. do a search for it on the forums if necessary. make them fit with your colour scheme and it will look great
your page just says ‘index.htm’ make it more relvant
other than that good job, the transitions are very smooth and the load speeds are good. maybe do more with the ‘sql’ page. i didnt bother to read through as it wasnt well structured and for someone like me, i need to know what im reading
Hmm… it’s not a bad start… IMO not finished. Needs a lot of graphic work. As for your logo, you need to get rid of it, since it came straight from the Tattoo or Angels font and shouldn’t be used as a logo.
The transitions are pretty nice, I like the hi-tech transitioning altough I think that brush script is a really bad choice for text.
The music… eh… don’t really like it personally but it’s not bad. But doesn’t flow w/ the hi-tech that well.
The grey BG would prolly look better darker… right now it just looks washed out.
Last thing is there is just something about your navigations at the bottom that just don’t set right… it maybe only because they are bland squares.
For the most part I think this site is ok, but if it was skinned and looked prettier it would be muuuch better.
i appreciate your comments, and i am starting to work on some of the
things mentioned.
one thing though… i want to keep the minimalist look. so i won’t be
changing the lower button navs. want to keep those simple.
as far as the content goes… i’ll be adding more with better structuring.
some of the right link images will change too. the ‘my life’ blur image has
got to go. i’ll look around for a better low tone tek loop.
i’m changing the icon today, and you are right. it is straight from the
tech angels font. i’m thinking of some thing else. probably be some kind
of text logo.
i’m going to add a personal gallery component eventually. i’ll have to mod
some thing for that probably.
I like the layout of it…looooseee the music…Its been overused on the net some really nice imaging for IT…very cool, and its a nice girl too…keep everything the layout…colors…animation…girl but lose the music loop at the beginig…also have a splash page that says best viewed 1024 x 768 rather then having it as a part of the intro…
i am looking into a different low tone tek loop. the reason why this is over used is because that it is really quite good. i’ll replace it when i find some thing. my girls image will stay, but the link name is changing to ‘personal gallery’. i’ll be adding a gallery component eventually.