new site is almost done. i built it for some friends. i am sure they would be thrilled if some people here started to submit work to them for review. also if anyone here is interested in helping judge just go on there and fill out the form with your contact info. like i said it is not done yet only about 80 percent. also let me know if you have any thoughts on what could be better.
To be honest I find the site to be very bland. I know you said your only 80% done, but here’s a few things I think you can do to make the site better.
Do something small wit the nav, nothing crazy but something other then color change on rollover.
The box’s just don’t do it for me, sorry.(the layout)
The archives box can be cleaned up
The scrollbar for the achives is way to simple, I love the easing feature but the design is too blah
Contact form again is bland. A cool thing would be a small animation on submit, also I’m guessing something is going to go in the blank space to the left of it.
Add basic rollover effect to images(middle section next to archives)
Not ripping your site apart just looking to improve a bit:)
Well done, make some mods and you got yourself a real nice site.
no that is great, i like to hear from you guys on what things you dont like. be honest that is fine.anyone can tell you that your site looks “nice” the real designers are the ones that will give real advice.
i am going to do some sort of text animation for all the text on the site, like some sort of typing effect when it pulls the info in. i do agree about the top nav and rollovers for the images. i will add that sort of stuff. right now it is sort of the layout and i think i am going to add all the extras and effects later.
as far as the backend right now it is just xml. but it is going to be mySQl with php by the end of the week. also i made some cool admin pannels that allow you to upload photos and text. i just need to know how to query id= right now it is pulling it in order from location.
also i dont think they will start to update the winners for like a few more weeks anyways, so i have time to get that all worked out
No offense… why is there another award site going up? What is there to make this award stand out from the others? There are tons of sites, and only a few w/ credablity… what makes this one any different from something such as the Golden Web Awards, and that other one that has like a plastic plane or something?
Right now there is nothing to appealing that shows that this award will be anything special. Graphically looks plain. I know you’re looking for judges but who will the judges be? What kind of status do they have in the graphic and web community?
i guess there thing is that they say they will be all about letting people show off good design, and not sell out and have sponsors or advertising on the site. i guess it is just for fun. i dont know i just built it for them.
i am still working really hard to make this a cool place for people to go. i am taking a lot of the thoughts that people have been emailing me and also from this post. I have actually made some of the changes already. thanks again i will post when the site is finished some time in the next few weeks.
ramie, it does look a lot like yours. i guess great minds think alike. i actually like yours much better, you have that extra bounce and also it knows when to go to the next group, mine sort of goes anywere.
and also, whoever pointed out the font problem thank you. i did not check the site on a different computer, i guess i did not set the font up the right way, i will do that later tonight.
I think the site is a good start, it just needs tweaking to make it work better.
Try to eliminate some of the needless space. On almost every box of your layout there is almost an inch of empty space. It makes the site look empty and it takes your eyes off what should be important, the content.
I keep thinking it needs some way to bring the site together. The three boxes just seem so seperate for some reason. Perhaps a single box around everything to keep it together or something. Also, the white background color contrasts too much with the green/blue of the design. I don’t know what kind of a look you want to give it, but you may want to look at the color scheme in general to tweak out the look and style of it.
The navigation needs a little something. I’m not sure what, but it doesn’t stand out enough. It just took me a second before I was realised where it was. I like the rollover animation for the nav though.
Might I suggest bumping up the framerate a bit. I think it may help on your masking effect for the rollovers. It may give it a smoother look. Another option may be motion tweening the mask instead of just adding another frame to it. (this can also eliminate a short bit from the filesize, noted from experience)
For the rest of it some sprucing up could be in order. Adding of animations between pages, preloader, a transition into the page, ect. You said this was far from done though so I’m assuming you know all this
Sorry if it sounded like I was tearing on your site, because I didn’t mean it to come off that way. I’m sure with some tweaking of it it will turn out wonderful!
yeah, this whole thing has been sort of a funny project. my friends wanted me to throw this site together for them, and some place down the line i started to really like the project, so that is why i am taking all these thoughts and opinions serious so we can come up with something people will… like, use, and be inspired from.
thanks for the thoughts, i am going to try later tonight to make the site have less space as you said and maybe join the boxes somehow.
made many of the changes, frame rate, rollovers, tryed to play with background color but am not sure what i like the best. changed logo size on the top, also line spacing in the archives. gave some sort of text effect so that the text comes in with movement. added a little more easing to the scroll bar. also made the submit area much smaller.
all of your ideas have helped thanks, there has already been a lot of interest and emails related to the site.