My site --->

hi ppl, this is my first flash site, so i improve it as i learn more, but let me know what u think !!

I love my mouse pointer and I don’t see it (any) at your page.
(-: (-: (-:
Keep up the good work…
:crazy: :crazy: :crazy:

:slight_smile: thanx for looking at my site…i removed the custom mouse…i figured it might confuse some ppl…:slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Could it be that the site isn’t working?

It all loads, but the menus don’t? :goatee:

nice,like the background music,some links are not working.

i like the choice of layout. the 3 panel frames thingee works for
your site, definitely. I like the button mousovers, not too much,
just enough to provide a good effect.


thanks for the honest comments guys, really appreciate it !

ur site is cool, i can only wish to do summit like that soon

btw akospapp, ur footer is cooooooooool

Where’d you get that music it loads with???

I love it!!! U inspired the hell outta me!!!




I get most of my tracks at but I can send it to u if u like ?

Thanx for your comments by the way…I’m always trying to improve !

I’d love it if you’d send it to me =)

My mail is in my profile :stuck_out_tongue: