Well what do you think of the new layout so far?

Ive started working on the first version of my site and just wondered what people thought so far… THE NAV ROLLOVER AND THE MP3 PLAYER ARE NOT DONT YET!!! I have to say that because everytime I post and say that Im not finished with a certain part no one reads it and then I get told that it doesnt work and thats getting to be annoying… But anyways let me know what you think so far and if theres changes I could make to change it.



lol. I love the music and the nav but the jury is still out on the flame. One thing I would do is move the nav to the top just so those 800x600 users can find it easily.

it looks good. like CanadianGuy, i dont know what i think about the flame. prodigy is always good times, especially firestarter. :cap: i think your menu is good, especially the little rollover thing with the arrow popping out. good stuff there. your color is good and for some reason i just really like the flame looking thing in the left hand corner.

That flame looking thing can be found in the PS custom shapes menu. It’s the only thing I don’t like. I even quite like the red flame. Everything looks good. Keep it up. :thumb:

actully, the smoke effect is most likely done with a smoke engine. I saw a almost identicly effect somewhere.
site looks cool to me!

I meant the little grey flame image in the top left is a PS custom shape.

just to add…
yes that is the photoshop custom shape because I havent finished making the still frame flame and rectangle yet…
And also I wanted to say that my logo for my site is the flame with the rectangle next to it so thats why the little rectangle is next to the flame :wink:

it looks pretty good! only thing i dont really like is that the nav falls below the fold for me :frowning: im not on 800X600 but i use opera so it pushes everythign down just a little. and i couldnnt find the nav for a while until i scrolled down.

well I tried moving the nav to the top and I really must say it looked TERRIBLE! So Ill have to figure out something else to do because theres no way Im doing that.

its look very good ,
Form where did you get the sounds?


Also I made a couple of them and I am working on some more right now

Kinda pays off that I have a full recording studio with synths and stuff too because whenever I cant find a sound on the net I just make one

If you want to hear a loop that I came up with a couple of days ago you can check

http://www.zerosignaldesigns.com/mp3/industrialsongintro.mp3 this is the intro to the loop

http://www.zerosignaldesigns.com/mp3/industrialsongloop.mp3 this is the actual loop after the intro

wow , Thank’s

well Ive done a little more work on the preloader this morning and added a little bit of extra size to the file so that it can be seen. let me know what ya think.

back to work

Hmm processor is soooo hungry… I cant view the site… anyone else have any issues??

Maybe lower the number of duplicated MCs on your flame effect.

My computer cried to his Dad 486 because he was in processor pain.

hmmm Im on a 1.2 ghz machine right now and dont have any problems with the flame and this things a real peice of JUNK! I dont know why others are having problems with the flame but thats ok because its not going to be used a whole lot now… Im in mid creation of the leadin to the first page if you want to check it out again http://www.zerosignaldesigns.com/site.htm I hope to have it done in the next couple of hours but well see… cant put a time on it now can we?

Hmm seems like this site has a lot of potential ,
I like the whirling lines and whatnot but by the time i see them they go maybe make them slower?
also lose the flame… or try approaching it from a different angle…

i like the style… cant read the font at all, it just looks blurry… except on the nav…

altho prodigy is a nice idea, im not sure if its cool to use it. + in uk everyone knows prodigy and its not too professional sounding. i think uk clients will find their music a bit cheesy…

thanks for the info
The site really isnt in prime shape yet especially since Ive only been working on it for about 12 hours so I dont havent even begun to start fine tuning Im really just asking about layout in general.

It looks like you’ve put some work into this and I’ll try not to rain to much on your parade.

The site seems old… I don’t know exactly what it is, but the small hard to read text, the hard angled thin lines that flash in for a sec… all the styled text that really doesn’t say much… those were all cool 4 years ago when 2advanced had the last version of their site up.

The whole thing doesn’t seem crisp to me. The font’s are blurry, the little arrow thing that pops up over the menu is blurry…

What was your idea or inspiration for the style of the site?