funny that, saw that too just couldnt be bothered rerendering, lol. using Nurbs as well. so its not about faces, i m pretty sure its i know the problem didnt put up the tessellation for the nurbs. Maybe tomorrow i will re render them. Might add some chrome bars on the sides as well. hhhmmm…
*Originally posted by DDD *
**no chrome bars. I like it just the way it is just fix the smoothing. But then again who am I? **
Why are you putting yourself down like that, ive seen your 3dwork, good enough to have a say. By the way , when are you going to post some LW work??
I am trying to hold out till my site is finished. Because my site encompasses alot of my 3d work. And I do not want to let the cat out of the bag. But it seems it may never get done. To busy. Design, developing, programming. All coming out of one body on several sites at one time …poor me…