My web design site

Please critique. DO NOT be soft or kind. Just say plain truth i can take it.

It looks good. Nice, simple layout and easy to navigate.

Where’s the Flash?

uuhhmmm… no flash yet. later maybe :smiley:

please be hard on my site.

I like it but the nav bar doesn’t go with the rest of the site. Also it looks a little too corporate for the crazy fonts you’ve used. Either drop the fonts or spice up the design a little.

Yea font selection could be better as flash pointed out and for some reason I’m not believing that those people on the homepage work at this studio. It’s an alright site but generally feels kind of cold and uninviting.

Something’s a bit off in the nav bar… I took a screen shot of what was on the screen, and then drew in where the actual links where. It’s like that on every page. I’m viewing it in Firefox, btw.

[size=1][EDIT] Nevermind, it’s fixed now. :h: :thumb:[/size]

Heh, I’ll be harsh… as I always am.

  1. Get rid of the chicken scratch font, extremely unprofessional and doesn’t flow w/ your site at all. Also that gothic menu font doesn’t work well either, althought the serifs are hard to see it still a bad choice for a menu font.

  2. I’d say buhbye to that grid in the background. That’s an old technique, and even so, it’s not applied well here.

  3. The pictures aren’t really your ppl (could be wrong) so I wouldn’t use them if you can help it.

  4. Grey is way to plain, on your site, and that drop shadow you have goin on isn’t good. I doesn’t give the effect of the content section being raised like it should.

  5. Portfolio, your images should prolly actually link to something.

  6. When you click on the services section it shifts because a scrollbar appears (not a major problem). Try making content part of it not scroll but using CSS and turing overflow: auto on that section.

  7. It’s hard to say you’ll do Identity/Logo designs when you yourself don’t have one, try investing some time to make a logo.

  8. Contact section, instead of using a webbot, point and click create me form, I would suggest programing it yourself in one of those languages you say you know.

  9. It’s annoying that the everything reloads the nav, and another page, maybe make it frames to keep the nav stationary and load everything underneath it.

  10. The photoshop, dreamweaver back drop is strong, I would try to flow w/ that instead of w/e direction you are heading.

Well that’s my CnC. I think I have more things but I think that’s enough.

Oh yea the blurry type in your banner sections, that doesn’t work.

yeah. sorry HIFI, i was working directly online. im gonna make the changes locally and upload then.

what can i do to make it more inviting? is it bad that those people dont work at the studio? i got the pics from microsoft’s clipart.

oh, and i already changed the navbar. very simple still.

suggestions please.

the font makes it look like a teen rock site…not professional at all, i would reccomend [font=Century Gothic][color=royalblue]Century Gothic:bu: [/color][/font]

should i use MY picture? should i make it look like a personal portfolio = freelancer? or like a company?


well, i wouldn’t put my picture up like those pictures you have now. but definitely, i would drop those pics that u got from clipart collection. it totally look not professional.

Are you the only one at “frapchimp” studio ? or you have partner / other ppl? If you are a freelance, then definitely make it like a personal portfolio – freelancer site. This means, instead of saying “about us”, just say “about me” or something like that. If it’s a company, them yea… definitely make it look like a company site :slight_smile:

where is your logo?

(+) navigations is simple
(+) background behind the ppl, below menu bar.

(-) the menu typo is not my kind. too funky for the layout feeling.
(-) too static!

Imagined I think by calling your site whatever studios people will assume that you are a design group. This could cause problems for you and any customers you get might feel as though they were ‘sold’ and most people don’t associate being ‘sold’ with good feelings.

Also, the blue is cold and kind of childish unless you soften it up with some textures and shadowing or at the very least desaturate it a bit. Don’t be afraid to add some kb to your pages either. If you do your layouts in PS you’ll be surprised at how small you can make a breath takingly beautiful page.

gentlemen, ladies, dudes, THANKS soooo much. that’s what i needed.

some SERIOUS critique.

for Simplistik: sorry but i didnt get #6, 9, 10. please explain. thanks for the advice :smiley:

does anyone have any ideas for a new design? layout? graphics? could you guys post the links to some good tutorials for making a new design? like graphics tutorials?

i’ll redesign the whole thing. when im done, i will let you know guys. meanwhile, if you have any more suggestions, please feel free to post them.


#6 Only happens on a MAC, basically what happens in if your page doesn’t need a scrollbar MACs don’t put one in the browswer, but if your page does then i pops it in taking up more space on the right, intern shiftin the whole design to the left. Like I said that’s no big deal it’s a common thing.

#9 Put the nav on a top frame and the content in a lower frame. When you click on a link it loads only the content into the lower frame. That way you don’t have to reload the nav and the content/nav.

#10 I was refering to the neon blue thingy that you have goin on, with the images of PS and DW. Just stating that I think that could be a good starting point for the direction of your site.

not done yet. just wanted to show you my progress. what do you think?


PLEASE go back to the previous version, which I sort of liked. Ugh. It looks like every trendy wannabe designer site now. Pixel fonts and gray color schemes must be stopped!

Ok. Here’s a completely new design. I know, I know: no flash. I know a little bit about flash and I’m reading ActionScripting in Flash MX, so I reDesign it using flash later.

For now, here’s the HTML site.

I did not add the NEW business name, 'cause I haven’t bought the domain yet and last time that I posted the NEW domain I was going to buy, someone got it before me.

Any suggestions?

PS. It will be a group, not a freelancer site.

  1. me, doing the computer work
  2. my friend at austin, getting customers, doing customer relations and marketing strategies
  3. a friend at san antonio, doing the same