myVars.send(); please help!

hi guys

i would like to send variables via myVars.send();
but i don’t want to open a new browser window so i did’nt write in the parameters method and target.

in my .fla file is written:

vars = new LoadVars();
vars.first = "i hope it works";

and in send.php:

$var = $_POST["first"];
$fp = fopen("txt.txt","w+");

what do i make wrong??
even the file has not created!!
but when i add the parameter target and a new browser window opens , everything runs correct!!

please help

if anybody is interested ( i dont’t think so :frowning: )
i found out in !! other forums !! that myVars.send() does not work without the parameters target and method.
actually it should but a good work around is myVars.sendAndLoad(); wich does’nt open any browser window!!
but the little drawback : it also laods variables from the script.