N. Korea and Nukes

I just read today, that a representative of the US went on an unofficial visit to N.Korea

prominent scientist who visited North Korea as part of the unofficial U.S. delegation two weeks ago said on Wednesday that Pyongyang could probably make plutonium metal, a prerequisite for nuclear weapons, and that its nuclear programme was of great concern.

While the US delegate, said that he held the plutonium, felt it, it felt (warmth) weight, and radiation was right on the spot , but this dosent mean that they can make weapon’s grade. Still, while they say they are not 100% sure they do think there is a good chance…

Anyway, the Korean Delagate was very dissapointed that he could not convice the US beyond the shadow of a doubt they have Nukes.

I find it Ironic, in one part of the work we are diggin holes in the desert looking for WMD’s, on the other side we have someone begging us to beleive that they have WMD’s :smiley:

Your thoughts…