n4c - warning

look guys and girls i had enough… i pm’d him this

alright n4c you seem to be on purpose ignoring what i said in my post. I not usually a bad guy or mod for that matter but completely ignoring what i said makes me think only one thing, you wont listen,dont care what people will say and you wil carry on doing what you want… if this is the case then i will simply have to ban you, this is a warning…next will be a temp ban and if you carry on after that… well you know what will happen.


reason are obvious, he is a burden to this forum… excess spam, useless comments and annoying aspects of his posting… he is creating tention between us mods, member and the forum, like i said what affects the members affects the forum.

i wrote this post in a thread of his that i closed and he carried on doing what he wanted…