Navigation from MC help!

I have created a website that has an infinite scrolling menu, meaning I have a bunch of buttons, inside of a MC, that is inside of another MC, that resides on my main movie on scene 1. I am trying to use on (release) command on each of the buttons, to
gotoAndPlay (“scene 2”, 1) The buttons do nothing!! they highlight as they should for the rollover, but when clicked they do not go to scene 2, Please help!!!

Read this thread, it will answer your question.

Electrongeek, you are my hero!! I spent 6 hours last night trying to figure out why I couldn’t get that button to work. I was on the verge of reinstalling my operating system, thinking that I had some glitch in my system. And then in 2 minutes you gave me the answer. Thanks man!!!

Flash Guru
Houston, TX

Reinstall your OS?!?! hahaha that’s a bit drastic isn’t it? Well I’m glad I prevented that. By the way, welcome to the forum, I just noticed that you’re new. =)