Need a check

Hi guys, please check my site and give your opinions, I’ve a little thing that makes me feel sad, I don’t know how to pass the language selected by the visito on the HTML page to flash, but I’m working onit :slight_smile:



veyr nice site.

SMove and clean colors, Are u sure ur logo color do fit the color of the site ?

Try to make the animation more smove by maybe add more framerate

Thanks Blastboy :beam:

the logo and some of the pcitures clash a little bit, and maybe think about moving the copyright to the bottom of the page. i like the site. it is clean and easy to navigate.

Thanks converge :beam:

pretty good

Thanks Coppertop :thumb:

:-\ hmmm…

I think you need work on your transitions…
Also, maybe get rid of some of the photography…
Nice Layout…
I can’t make up my mind about the colors…


Thanks Jay