Need A Crash Course In Databases ASAP


I have a job interview coming up and I feel I will be asked quite a bit on databases which I don’t know alot about.

Its likely that the database questions will be around microsoft access.

I really just need to know the theory, NOT necessarily the code of how to link it to HTML but, for example, the theory of how a user database could be set up and then used to to allow users to log in with a password.

I just need the basics on databases in general.

If anybody has some links where I can learn the basics quickly, please post them.

I know a lot of users here work professionally full time in web design and/or with databases so any information you can post here would also be very usefull.

Thanks! :bandit:

this is an article about relational databases, it may help:

it talks about mSQL but from what I know about Access dbs they are set up in a similar way.

asp is the middle man between html and the database
read up there, look at the sample code and tutorials

study hard because this is an area that if you only “kinda” know it - it will be really obvious

Good posts guys - Looks like I have some reading to do. I really gotta learn this stuff :slight_smile:

Thanks for the replies, looks like usefull stuff!