This is my first major foray into interface design – I’m creating an iOS app that needs a soundcloud-esque feed of songs in it. Pictured is the example layout I have at the moment. I realized pretty late on that I forgot to incorporate space for the song time, which is the little “0:00 | 0:00” label in the bottom right corner, so my original purpose for this post was to ask for feedback on how it looks now (cramped?) and if anyone has any ideas for other ways to incorporate that info.
Otherwise, as this is my first time, I’m open to any and all feedback – color scheme, layout, etc. (don’t worry about hurting my feelings, I just want to make this as good as possible.)
Some other notes on the design:
[]The dark gray bar slides out from the bottom when a row is selected, revealing the action buttons.
[]The action buttons will all be light gray until the action is performed, at which point they will light up in the color shown.
[]I’d like the color scheme to be vibrant and kind of playful – snapchat is a pretty good example.
[]The symbols #>, #+ and #& are just placeholders for views that will display the # of plays, likes and contributions, respectively.