Ok before i start im a total noob to flash and all i can really do is animation yet i need to make this game for university! Now i have looked around on many sites infact i started about 12hrs ago trying to find help and do this alone with no luck!
The situation:
I need to make a card game the game is caled “3 card monte” what happens is there are three cards on the table adn they get shuffled and you have to find the one thats the ace basically.
Now the best way i thought was by using motion guides and i started to do this then found out your ony allowed one motion guide on everythin and seenig as i need 2guides on them it makes things more difficult (specially when i know no action scripting!)
Now what would be the best way to do this? like i said i was going to have the cards moving but of cause the way they go need to change every game adn i canna figure out how to do it ive stopped that idea the way i just thoguth of now is using three letters or numbres that change (thast be the movement of the cards) but then i dont kow how to do that i just tried one tutorial and got lost on step three! I may just tell the lecturer i canna do it im lost and giving up by the second!
But help would be appreciated if anyone can?