Need help - female model in progress (3d max)

Hi everyone,

I have a major problem. I’m trying to make a female model in max but I’ve been working on it for so long and tweaking it so much that I can’t look at it without seeing a million problems :sigh: . The thing is that I can’t seem to pinpoint the problems. Could you please have a look and make some suggestions (and also tell me what you think)? It would really help cos my eyes and brain are seriously warped at this point :crazy:.

Thanks a lot.

D :stuck_out_tongue:

the head is too wide. the eyes are far apart. and the lips look stitched. other than that the body parts look great!

look at Sports Illustrated Swimsuit edition for a reference.
(playboy too)
The shoulder are too ‘buff’ (unless you are modeling Xena)
the legs dont look curvy enough.
The breast should be re-done. Look too anime/implant-style/.
The face needs a lot of work as well.
the eyes need to be closer, the nose is too long.
You need to soften the edge on the chin and the upper lips need to not conflict with the cheek bones, but I see where you were going with that though.
Remember, when creating women, you always want to soften the focus and make them seem smooth and silky in their skin.
Sorry if I sounded harsh, jus trying to help.

Please be as harsh as you want. I need someone else to look at it cause trust me after you’ve been staring at dots and polygons (I’m box modelling - it is evil) you sort of lose focus. I look at the model and find a little bit that I think is wrong and then I have to try and figure out where the bloody hell the problem is without meshsmooth on. AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH! BTW it’s my first attempt at 3d modelling. The shoulder thing was cause I was actually trying to go for a warrior look but I will change that cause it’s getting on my nerves. You should of seen the head a couple of days ago - it looked like an alien in profile :alien: :P. Perseverence is the key - and going for a walk when one gets so royally angry that one feels like taking the monitor and chucking it out the window :P. I am calm, very calm :crazy:.

Thanks for your input, I’ll put it up after I’ve tweaked it a little more (the work TWEAK has been literally branded on my brain).

D :stuck_out_tongue:

Do what I do.
Get a punching bag!
Be sure to post your final version!:thumb: