Female character (3d Max)

I’ve started work on my character today. I’ve made a few attempts at faces in the past and have been mildly successful… this is one that I’ve been working on sparodically for the last few months and I’ve got back into tweaking the appearance of the face. I’d welcome any input you guys have to offer, but please bear in mind it isn’t textured yet and the 2 halves haven’t been welded together (to make further tweaking easier).

I’m going for a realistic look, but I don’t expect I’ll eventually get it (this model will eventually end up with the model robot I made, plus a few more characters… well hopefully!).

wow that’s awesome! I wish I could do that!
How did you get the eyes to fit so perfectly in the sockets? I was juggling with it for days and couldn’t get them right!

yeah nice so far but the the joining line is still pretty visible, but im sure you already knew that :slight_smile:

Yeah, I won’t be joining the 2 halves until I’m happy with the entire model. I’m modelling the body and head as an entire mesh to make it easier to apply the character studio biped.

The way I modelled this face, I started with the eye sockets and poly modelled the mesh to fit. This meant that I had the eyes right before I started. I’ve tried box modelling techniques, but find that subdividing in Max r3 is a little harder than poly modelling… well for me anyway. I’m hoping to get r4 or r5 later this year with the improved mesh editing tools… I can only hope!

Are you in any way involved with a gaming company for a 3d Modelling design? :o You should really look into that if not, youd be a great addition to a team.

hey ironi, can you share some of your poly mod tricks? I never really got into it… the only “real” modelling I’ve ever done was a dolphin via box modelling a few years back…

wow man thats real great!

wow sweet although think u could make her a bit less staring at yah even though she is fake lol!!!:bounce:

wow thats cool… I dont know about 3D, but will learn it realll soon… so its cool

erm when is mopre of it coming?

he started another model…

Yeah, I put this one on the back-burner for a while. I seem to pick it up every now and again, but I’ve never put any serious work into it. The mesh has a few problems that might be easier solved if I started again.