Need help from someone who uses FIREWORKS with FLASH...!

Hi there…

This is the problem,

I do all the design stuff (buttons, pop-up menus,hot spots) on Fireworks MX…

Since im new to this program , i can´t seem to figure out whats the best way to export to Flash MX and continue to be able to edit there…

So if someone use the 2 programs together , please reply…

I´tried to export some buttons as .swf or even as .png and in the Flash the
buttons appear with the highligths black and …worst they are cut at the botton …?!


you can do your whole Web site in Flash plus all the hyperlink buttons. The only thing you need to import to Flash if you have images or textures or patterns from Fireworks. If you want to import your design from Fireworks to Flash. You should have two programs side by side then select whatever shapes, images or ogjects from Fireworks and use the shortcut keypads Ctrl+C to copy and open up Flash and again Ctrl+V to paste on the stage in Flash. I hope this will help you.

Fireworks will slice and dice your images for HTML and JavaScript… or to make them into .png’s (FW/Flash fav w/transparency). Think of FW (a graphics program) as a companion to Dreamweaver (HTML editor), which can also be used with Flash (an animation program), just as Illustrator (a graphics program), and Photoshop (a graphics program).

So to answer your question, I don’t think you can import the slice info from FW into Flash.

You can import the images into Flash, make buttons there (much easier than FW), do your layout as per your FW image (export as jpeg, then import into bottom layer of Flash, alpa to 50% so you can use it as a tracing image.

Flash is not designed to import JS from any program, however, FW will export as .swf, which you can import into Flash, but it will have no actions attached, just images already made into symbols.

hope this helps…



I think Fireworks MX is a great program for design buttons and stuff…

In flash you can design basic buttons unless you use a lot of action, i guess…

Still looking for solutions…
For them to work together

You are asking for a way to get Flash to accept the JavaScript that Fireworks writes…

It can’t do that…

The stuff you design in Fw is HTML based.

Flash stuff is totally different. So your rollovers, etc. won’t import into Flash.

I think you are asking for something that is not possible at this time.
