Problem with buttons made on FIREWORKS MX ! Lostinbetta need your help

Hi there…

How is going…?

Well , i,ve been working this past week with Fireworks MX and i found that this program is great for doing everything for web design…!!

Now i want to use Flash for put sound and animation…

But this button that i made on Fire… when i import to flash is cut on the botton and right side ?!

Could it be the way im export it?

Check this file ( macbutton.png)

I don’t use FMX so I might not be a help here, but I do know flash loves fudging up imported images. It is like a hobby for the program.

If it is just the circle that is being imported, then that is why.

Your image should have a border around it a few pixels wide. Flash loves to mess up the borders of imported images. I believe you can make that border transparent as well and it will still work, not too sure about it.

Thanks anyway,

You know, for me it looks like FLASH MX is not the perfect program for design
vector objects or buttons, after i´ve been trying FIREWORKS…

What do you think?

Before i open Fire , i was really started to be addicted to Flash, but now im a little bit sad , cos it seem to me that the tools that you on flash are basic for we design…

I mean , if you use Fire with Flash and then with dreamweaver you have power in your hands…!!
But i guess that Macromedia try to sell Flash as a unic program , and for me there is not the case, you really need more tolls for bitmap and vector manipulation…

Well just my mind going crazy…:slight_smile:

Well flash isn’t a full out blaster design program like Fireworks or Illustrator or anything, it is an animation program. And some amazing vector things can be done in them… just look at Kitiaras vector work, hers is all done in Flash and it is amazing. It just takes a little longer to do in Flash than in FW because there aren’t any shortcuts like filters and whatnot.

Scripting is also an excellent side of Flash… the only side I am semi-good at actually…lol.

If flash were meant to be an all out design program, then why did they bother creating Fireworks eh? Fireworks and Flash are supposed to work together to be a great design thing, but I haven’t really used them together at all, so I don’t know exactly.

I know Rev is a big fan of FW and uses it a lot, perhaps he will know.

PS: Flash it not a Bitmap program… hence no bitmap editing tools.

Yes, you are rigth…

And i really want to work with the 2 programs, i guess im a bit sad because i can´t get to put the files from fire into flash like i see them in fire (with quality!)…

I have to figure what im doing wrong…!

If i import as a gif the button is wonderful, but then i loose all the behaviors of the button, and then is like starting again…

Anyway nice to chat with you , if you see Ken , could you please ask me to put a reply for me…?


This week im starting to read my new action script book - “ActionScriping in Flash MX” from Philip Kerman.

Somebody told me that is a really nice book if you are a newbie on action…
i really want to be inside that…:slight_smile:
I suposed you have to study a lot…

See you for now…


Yeah, for AS you have to practice it a lot. It takes a lot of time and patience. Experimentation of the code you learned is a great way to keep it in your head, that is how I learn.

I wish I could afford some AS books, my learning process of AS seems to be going slower than I had hoped.

If you see <B>ReverendFlash</B> stalking the boards anytime, you can probably send him a PM with a link to this thread. Be sure to write in there that I told you to PM him otherwise he might just delete it (I know I delete PMs from people who just post a thread and PM me a link to it without waiting to see if it gets replies).