hi there…´
Just trying to import buttons made with fireworks to flash and still with all the behaviors…
If someone out there uses the 2 programs , please help me…
hi there…´
Just trying to import buttons made with fireworks to flash and still with all the behaviors…
If someone out there uses the 2 programs , please help me…
I have answered this question yesterday!
there is no way to import JavaScript behaviors (which Fw uses) into Flash!
I’m guessing you already tried the little export button on your fireworks document and chose export to Flash?
let me know… if it didn’t work I’ll look into it
I don’t like fireworks, waste of money…
that is a bit strong, don’t you think?
tell you what… you take a png/psd, color correct, crop, and optimize for the web with whatever you use, I’ll use FW, and I’m betting I will be done way before you, and may even have a better product (smaller file size, same quality)…
I’ve used FW for 5 years… it is not a waste of money…
he didn’t just say what I think he did… did he?
don’t say stuff like that man
I’ve been involved in way too many Photoshop/Image Ready vs. Fireworks discussions and some of those guys would rip you apart for saying that…
but IM nice
EDIT: I was referring to rynoe btw
Well if your dependent on FW to do all that for you, it’s a good thing.
I akin it to someone who is great at frontpage and terrible at html. There are just way to many other free or cheaper software out there that does all the same stuff as FW.
I must say I didn’t use it extensivley so I am no expert.
I was real excited to try it, and it left me disappionted.
most of the “free” software you speak of is hacked/pirated…
Even PainShopPro is more expensive than FW…
Tell me, oh wise and wonderful one, what program should I have found for free, or cheaper that would do all I need to do graphically, and as quickly (time is money)…
so you pretty much have no idea what you’re talking about
Come on guys ,
Dont insult each other…
My question is this:
Why does Macromedia publish articles like this one:
But then it doens´t work!!!
Reverend, i understand your point, but i have been found on other forums people that uses Firework 5 and they can import buttons behaviors to flash…
It looks there is some kind of bug now on MX version…
I leave this to you now…
and be coll ! =)
I guess I hit a sore nerve. I never claimed to be an expert, but I am certainly entitled to an opinion. And yes you can import them I did it before was a while back. Make sure your using same versions.
I had alot of respect for you as I see you are very knowledgeble and talanted. But an outburst like that makes you look childish and boorish. I was merely stating my opinion. I don’t mind if you disagree with it, but it doesn’t mean that I am wrong or stupid.
It is simply my opinion.
if you read the article, then you will see that it will import the stages of the button, but no behaviors…
Now… what is your problem with this article?
what is happening?
and this is the 3rd thread on this same issue in 2 days, so expect some grief…
[edit] rynoe: then why did you post here, if you’re not helping, and aren’t an expert? flame bait? [/edit]
I can´t even import the stages of the button…!
So , something is wrong…
And im using FIREWORKS MX and FLASH MX , so they are the same versions…!
rynoe if you have solutions, help me out…
I’d have to check it out at school cause I don’t have it here. But I think I remember doing it through director. Do you have the whole package?
By the way I LOVE FlashMX and I am a [COLOR=crimson]complete addict[/COLOR] . I am convinced this is it. I prefer this even over java. With this xml integration I see this as the cutting edge
so again, what is happening…
I take it you are exporting as .swf…
then in Flash importing the .swf?
then what?
That means I can use Director MX to import buttons made on FIREWORKS and
add sound and other stuff…?
Cos what i really want to be able to do is put sounds on flash , cos fire doesn´t have sound…
I use Dreamweaver to build web pages , but because im new to that program i´m still try to find if you can put sound actions there…
thanks for the help.
Yes, This brings us back to my frontpage v. html point I was trying to make. Director is just that. Use that to manage all your other macromedia stuff. I prefer to manage them myself, but these software programs are good and that will work for you.
I never said FW was a bad progam I just didn’t like it for me. I don’t like frontpage either.
If you just make .png’s of your different stages, then import them into Flash, then put them in the stages, then put your button on the stage, add your sound, and you’re done…
I don’t know what the issue is, tho, can you explain more?
Director is a step above Flash, and will do nothing to help in this situation. It is not a wysiwyg editor of any kind. It is an animation program which runs on it’s own language (lingo)…
And what language is that Reverend?
What language does Director run in?
As Flash uses ActionScript, Director uses “Lingo” …
[edit]http://www.macromedia.com/support/director/ts/documents/sample_primitives.htm here is the link[/edit]
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