Can someone help me try to make this _x point a (x, y) coordinate and to move in a diagonal direction,…also, how do you make the object pause before repeating the movement???
thanks…code is pasted on the bottom:
MovieClip.prototype.easeX = function(to:Number, speed:Number, endF:Function, endO:Object, endP:Array) {
if (what._x != to) {
var _this:MovieClip = this;
var aux:MovieClip = this.createEmptyMovieClip(“aux_easeX”, 1337);
var previousPosition:Number = this._x;
if (isNaN(speed) || Number(speed) !== speed || speed<=1) {
speed = 1.2;
aux.onEnterFrame = function() {
_this._x = to-(to-_this._x)/speed;
if (_this._x == previousPosition) {
_this._x = to;
if (endF) {
endF.apply(endO, endP);
previousPosition = _this._x;
} else {
if (endF) {
endF.apply(endO, endP);
var startX:Number = myMovieClip._x;
var endX:Number = startX+400;
chain = function () {
myMovieClip.easeX(endX, 1.2, myMovieClip.easeX, myMovieClip, [startX, 1.4, chain, null, []]);